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Author Topic: Gnome At Last  (Read 6280 times)


Once everyone has had a
« Reply #60 on: June 19, 2015, 12:54:14 pm »

Once everyone has had a chance study all the pieces of artwork (to the extent that they're allowed, of course), Ehkaheic moves toward the door of the gallery and projects his voice.

“Time is short and it is very important to find the Conduit as soon as possible,” he says. “If Milara or someone like him possesses it...” Ehkaheic pauses slightly, apparently struck by the weight of words. “It pains me to think of what wrongs could be made with the Conduit when its purpose is quite the opposite. Let the Failsafe guide you. It will protect you from distant eyes if you keep it close. Discover the Conduit's location, and then you will know what you might face. When you do this and before you move to reclaim it, send word for us. We will aid what we can. Now we must prepare, as must you.”

He offers a slight bow to all and backs out of the room, encouraging you all to exit as well. Time is given to the group to freshen themselves and manage their gear then he and the gnomes escort the group out to the surface. There are a series of passages and hidden doors with intricate locks opened with delicate keys that look impossibly complex. You all emerge from what seems like a cellar door into the cold air of the northern Whitehorn after climbing a run of stairs. Ehkaheic points out a specific landmark and bids you to head due south once you reach it in order to return to Silverdell Grove. Before everyone departs, he reaches into his robes to withdraw a small scroll case which he passes to Acacea. “So you remember...” he says.

Without a further word, he and the others slip back into the opening in the ground through which everyone emerged. The “door” closes behind them, followed by a collection of somewhat large stones that are moved by some unseen and very effortless mechanism until they cover and conceal the doorway, leaving nothing of interest to someone who did not already know the secret.

The cold forest around you is quiet, and the road ahead awaits your first step.