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Author Topic: Through the Forest...  (Read 4608 times)


Daniella nods.  "This is
« Reply #80 on: March 16, 2015, 02:13:32 pm »

Daniella nods.  "This is acceptable, though I plan on keeping both hands on the book just in case.  If you need to hold on to me... my arms, or whatnot... then we can do that for safety if you wish so long as we are all prepared just in case the other side holds some surprise against us."  She considers.  "Horseback would definitely speed us up, and I think Victory can manage to carry two should we need him to."



*Griff eye's the porta
« Reply #81 on: March 16, 2015, 06:06:58 pm »

*Griff eye's the porta shaking his head and sighs*

Ain't loik'n all dis magic stuff.  Magical portals, magical books, magic watch'n us...dis all 'bout tah give meh a bad feel'n n meh belly.  Aye but we're 'ere now, n as much as dat boat roide see'n a betta choice 'bout now *shrugs* seems maybe weh best take a stab at it.  Oi nay moind tak'n deh rear on go'n through *nods*.

Is der somti'n weh can do wit dat book as it goes tru deh portal, loike put in n a metal box or some kinda protective loike cloth tah block deh magics try'n to foind it?  Ain't meh specialty ye know, but maybe jus befer weh toss Commander in deh portal wit it we could do sometin tah deh book tah throw em off guard loike?  It don't have tah las long, just a quick change so deh get confused.  *he shrugs again*  Oi ain't afraid ov a foight, O'im afraid dat der won't beh one and dat book gona get zapped away from us loike.


Dorax Windsmith

*Grog agrees with Plen on the
« Reply #82 on: March 16, 2015, 09:44:04 pm »

*Grog agrees with Plen on the order of entering the portal*

Mes can go first *shrugs*



Foresta accepts the order of
« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2015, 04:24:08 am »

Foresta accepts the order of march uncertainly and unwilling to commit to it verbally she merely takes her place behind Grog putting a slender hand up onto his shoulder briefly hidden behind his bulking figure. "You can protect us then. " She suggests,  all the time shaping into a large shadowy winged creature which threatens to overshadow even Grog. Those watching might be excused for thinking the thing had a slight grin on it's face.



// Alatriel, will you confirm
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2015, 09:59:16 am »

// Alatriel, will you confirm whether or not you're going through on horseback? or is that for after you go through the portal?



//Not going through on
« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2015, 10:05:31 am »

//Not going through on horseback.  If needed, she can call her horse in Center.



One by one, the first group
« Reply #86 on: March 17, 2015, 10:47:18 am »

One by one, the first group steps into the portal, first Grog, then Foresta and finally Daniel Benjamin, each prepared and readied for conflict on the other side...

One by one, figures emerge from the portal site in Center...a hulking figure known as Grog, a large, fearsome winged creature and a knight clad in armor. Each emerges to find the usual hustle and bustle of Center.  Even remaining watchful for some time, you perceive no threats of any sort.

You do notice one other thing, however... No one follows Daniel Benjamin through the portal.

// Grog, Foresta and Daniel, your part in this episode is now concluded, unless otherwise mentioned. Thanks for your continued participation.


As Daniella approaches the portal, the dark book clutched tightly in her arms, with Plenarius holding onto her and moving to the portal, all seems normal.  However, when she makes contact with the edge of the portal's magic, it flares brightly and detonates thunderously, and she is thrown backwards violently, as if struck in the Torso by a mighty blow, landing in a heap on the other side of the room along with whatever else she impacted along the way. Plenarius, given his physical contact, bears a fraction of the force, but is also knocked back and off his feet. The others nearby bear some of this force as well, stumbling back and shielding their faces.

((Anyone standing directly behind Daniella or Plen will get bowled over))

When everyone's eyes adjust from the brightness of the blast, the room is a mess of books, parchments, debris and dust. Daniella is bruised, battered and sore. Though not seriously harmed, it takes her a little time to recover from the impacts. Everyone else sustains minor injuries, but nothing of concern.

The portal is gone.




Daniella lays still for a few
« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2015, 11:30:53 am »

Daniella lays still for a few moments, wind knocked out of her, as she struggles to regain her breath.  Eventually, she winces and rolls over, sitting up to look  over at where the portal used to be.  After another pause, she quietly looks around to see if anyone else is hurt.  Then, she looks back at the portal, and over at Plen.  "We may need to revisit the ship idea."



Plen removes some parchments
« Reply #88 on: March 17, 2015, 12:19:01 pm »

Plen removes some parchments strewn about on top of him, his face appears tired and angry. He assesses the health of the party from a glance and shows a slight sign of relief.

"So. Now we remain five. We either travel to Nith and stay on the seas longer or begin the walk to Arnax and make our seafaring the shortest. I can only assume our party ahead of us will ascertain something failed and will attempt to meet up with us on Tilmar."

"Commander I believe it would serve you well to summon your warhorse. We need to travel at a heavy pace with little rest save for when absolutely necessary. I will be ready to fly with you at a moment's notice."

"We should get one last good rest in."

He turns to the dwarves.  "Prepare your weapons and search your packs for your favourite marching boots. There will be battle, a gruelling pace and much weariness. Nesar can be most unwelcoming at the best of times and now we draw even greater interest. The quicker we move, the better."

"So then, which way?"




Daniella shifts with a soft
« Reply #89 on: March 17, 2015, 01:37:18 pm »

Daniella shifts with a soft groan and rolls her left shoulder, eliciting a bit of a grinding sound, then she rubs the back of her neck.  "I don't want to go through Arnax.  I would rather brave the seas from Nith than go through Arnax with its Corathite ties.  The Queen isn't exactly a fan of mine either.  I think the sooner we are out of Nesar the better.  I'll call Victory to speed us up, surely, but we can also see if there are horses we can purchase here in town for the others."



*Iron grumbles to himself
« Reply #90 on: March 17, 2015, 01:47:54 pm »

*Iron grumbles to himself about travelling at sea and wipes himself off. His confidence seems to be wavering but he musters some gruff and clears his throat*

Aye I stan ready wit ma shield and axe... Fa wha'ever use dat be.




Daniel turns to the portal
« Reply #91 on: March 17, 2015, 03:14:45 pm »

Daniel turns to the portal looking expectantly at it for a few moments after noting no threats on his side.  When Daniella fails to come through after several long moments, he turns to the two remaining companions in hushed tones.  "It seems your instincts were correct, Miss Foresta.  Fortunately, we have some idea of where they are going.  We should make for Hlint and its portal to Huangjin straight away, from there we should be able to meet them eventually." He looks at each gauging their willingness to follow his lead or offer an alternative.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


We should make for Hlint and
« Reply #92 on: March 18, 2015, 06:40:45 am »

We should make for Hlint and its portal to Huangjin straight away, from there we should be able to meet them eventually."Daniel concludes.

Foresta, the threat of flight and danger past, has without conscious thought returned to Druid shape and is wearing a splendid - I told you so kind of face. "Time enough to review my garden here first I think, we are rather out the game now. Someone has got there way! ....I am just not entirely sure who all wanted it so." She sets off to inspect some plant life in the south east of the bustling community. "We will be on the endless road soon enough I am sure." she throws over her shoulder apparently disinterested in the bustle of the chase.















*Griff brushes himself off
« Reply #93 on: March 23, 2015, 12:18:17 am »

*Griff brushes himself off and speaks*

Nith beh deh best.  Weh need tah get away from dis magic n Oi beh ready for some sail'n bout now.  Plus, alota bad places on land tah get tah Arnax but Nith beh pretty close tah us.  Bandage ye selves n pray tah ye gods.  Oi can call Passion, meh Warpony, if weh be roid'n over. 

Vorax keep'n us safe n strong so keep ye boots strapped tight, ye axes sharp n ye battle-eyes focused.  Der gona be a foight com'n, n dwarves beh ready tah foight it for Vorax!



*Zig gets to his feet fairly
« Reply #94 on: March 23, 2015, 06:59:08 pm »

*Zig gets to his feet fairly quickly after the blast and after evaluating the remaining party he considers some things...* 

Aye, seeems dis darkie better dan Oi thought.  Foolin' wit portals be nae choild's work unless de book nae loike roidin' de magics.

*He makes sure the book is intact and accounted for before continuing*

We go with haste te Nith and takes de oceans, Oi agree.  Oi can take a form dat keep me in pace with ye lot.

*He concentrates and closes his eyes and then in a flash his form alters to a very large bear, some would say of legendary proportions.  Growling and snarling he awaits their journey on foot/hoof/paw.*



//Is this being resolved
« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2015, 09:34:51 am »

//Is this being resolved before the next plot quest or is this the tie in to the next quest?  Thanks!



Alatriel wrote://Is this
« Reply #96 on: March 25, 2015, 08:15:59 pm »

Quote from: "Alatriel"&cid="2757243"

//Is this being resolved before the next plot quest or is this the tie in to the next quest?  Thanks!

// For the last 5 days, out of town I have been. Coming, updates are. Fear not. Patience have.



The loose plan of travel
« Reply #97 on: March 27, 2015, 12:00:00 am »

The loose plan of travel eventually takes the remains of the party to Nith.  The way is not without its perils, however, over and above those that would normally be experienced along that road.  As their path takes them close to the Nesar-Kuhl frontier, Zigruum's dragon form is attacked from forces inside of Kuhl unless he takes care to fly high enough or far enough away from the border to be out of range of their weapons.  The gruesome experiences at night continue and escalate somewhat especially on moonsless or cloudy nights, making getting good rest somewhat difficult. This weighs especially heavily on Daniella, whose self-appointed burden of the notebook adds an extra layer to the toll of travel.

However, they all arive in Nith, relatively unscathed but road-weary and quite exhausted.  After some negotiation (which probably goes better for the Captain than for the group), they are able to secure passage to Stort on a vessel owned by the Raven Trade Guild. The voyage itself is uneventful, but it also lacks comforts, being primarily a cargo ship that is ill-equipped to carry guests that are not part of the crew. Daniella's stewardship of the notebook continues to affect the quality of her rest, at least until she is able to convince herself that every unfamiliar noise, voice and movement on the ship is not a threat.

During the voyage, there is nothing unexpected, and except for a few brief but moderately powerful storms, the months-long sail to Stort is relatively uneventful. No one makes an attempt on the notebook nor even shows any sign that they know Daniella possesses it. They arrive in the port on Alibor somewhat rested, in fact, and from there, they are able to book passage on a somewhat more comfortable vessel to the port of Huangjin on Tilmar.

A couple of weeks later, give or take, they arrive in Huangjin. Daniella (and whoever else accompanies her) makes her way to the Citadel. On her approach, she notes that security seems to be somewhat elevated.  Inside the central hall, she is greeted by Ortheus.

"Welcome to the Citadel, Commander Stormhaven," says the priest as he guides her toward the back. "It seems you were expected."


