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Author Topic: Within the Chamber  (Read 2479 times)


*Griff approaches Sophia and
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2015, 08:09:55 pm »

*Griff approaches Sophia and gives her wolf little notice except of where it is*

Aye seen ye been mak'n some progress.  We've got some strong dwarves 'ere, how bout you let us move some ov dem larger pieces loike so deh can match up what  ye done?  *he motions to Kurn and Zig*  Maybe weh come away from dis lair wit more dan jus a guess?



I appreciate the offer to
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2015, 04:59:36 pm »

I appreciate the offer to help.  Don't disturb the pieces that seem to be the right side up, but if you could carefully turn any that seem to on their unmarked side, it would be helpful.  No need to move them around  *she gestures to her sketch pad and measuring devices*  I'm taking scaled measurements of the markings so that I can fit them onto the parchment I have and they can be recreated in wood or clay later to be moved around to see what they might reveal .   She says something in elvish to the wolves and/or dogs that seem to keep appearing and they do not bother the dwarves unless they get too close to Sophia


// Not sure how much time we have left in here.



minerva wrote:// Not sure how
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2015, 08:31:02 pm »

Quote from: "minerva"&cid="2756539"

// Not sure how much time we have left in here.

// We'll let this action conclude



With some real effort, the
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2015, 11:29:10 pm »

With some real effort, the dwarves are able to lift and position the heavier stones such that their carved surfaces are facing outward. With some more effort, they can turn them so that these carved faces appear to be at least mostly oriented with the correct portion upward. The collection of them are definitely not in the correct order, but there's enough to eventually piece together most of the scene.

The parts that can be made out seem to depict some sort of figure, but it is difficult to determine the details (and thus the nature) of this figure given the damage and the out-of-order arrangement of the stones. One fragment seems to depict legs. Another seems to depict a hand holding a piece of parchment with indistinct writing or symbols. Yet another shows what appears to be more trees and part of the sky. Others have less immdiately-recognizable features, and most have had some of the details chipped away, either intentionally or due to falling away from the wall.

Those who are familiar with stonework notice that there are definitely some distinctive markings from a tool of some sort that is clearly (to the knowledgeable eye) different from damage caused by natural fractures and impact from falling.

After a while of measuring, drawing and annotating, Sophia has a fairly complete accounting of the pieces intact enough to provide some useful amount of image.

Eventually, the ground shakes for about a minute, and dust and smallish bits of rock fall from the cavern's ceiling.

// This thread is effectively closed. You may PM us with further questions/clarifications, and you may of course conduct a discussion in a new thread as long as it takes place outside of the chambers.


