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Author Topic: Race age death?  (Read 148 times)


Race age death?
« on: December 16, 2009, 10:01:10 pm »
this came across my mind and figured Id ask a Gamemaster..

After creating a character the timer has started from whatever age you chose for your race on your character submission.

current layonara year = 1458


say I create a Human fighter with a starting age of 20.

and every real calander year equals 16 years, 4 months and change in Layonara time conversion..

Will I only be able to play this character for approximately 3 years real time before he turns 68 in race years, and seeing that humans only live between 60-70..  the character will die from age soon after and not be able to played anymore in game?

didnt know how this is handled in a RP world where the dates and history are very outlined and documented for Layonara..

thanks for all replies in advance


Re: Race age death?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 10:13:49 pm »
We do not force players to retire characters, even when they pass what would be considered the threshold of "old age". However, we do encourage players to RP age appropriately!

No one is going to say "Okay, your character just turned 70. You can't bring him on quests anymore, and you shouldn't play him anymore." However, we are an RP server, and your character is aging. While ultimately you get to decide at what age your character is probably ready for retirement, it is always good to see players treating age with real consideration.

And personally, I think there's something to be said for letting characters finish their eventual story arcs and fade in glory in the sunset ... but then, I can't really talk, because let's face it, I play elves who live for centuries. ;)


Re: Race age death?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 10:23:18 pm »
funny...I was going to edit in "Excludes Elves ofcourse"

Thanks for the reply Carillon. I totally agree that one should RP the age of thier as the years pass on a once great warrior and he has hung up his armor and sword...and maybe make a life of simple..less labor intense crafting or "Training of new recruits"..and such.  At an elderly age you wont be swinging a heavy mining axe collecting ore nuggets or chopping down trees anymore as your body just cant handle it anymore, but with many years of experience under your belt, your knowlede at the crafting table with be of a Masters quality and to teach appentices their craftsmanship.   There should be a time when we hang up our weapons and live more of a "golden years" RP life style.