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Author Topic: True Seeing Bug?  (Read 144 times)


True Seeing Bug?
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:00:47 pm »
I was told about the true seeing bug: how sometimes it will cause you not to see other players. It never happened to me before until I got hit by the earth genasi and they dispelled me. I haven't been able to see players/merchants without true seeing casted on or restart the game often. Unfortunately, once I cast true seeing and rest again, the same thing happen. :( My question is, is this a self bug that will hopefully fix itself when the server reset? *crosses her fingers* or will I need a GM to fix it? Thank you!


Re: True Seeing Bug?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 10:22:00 pm »
The only fix I know of is to rest, log out and log back in.