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Author Topic: A few questions some wish to know.  (Read 1242 times)


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2007, 09:59:24 am »
Something that I always yearned for were more RP tools for illusionists.  Really.. they come up short in game mechanics.


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2007, 11:30:01 am »
Quote from: Eorendil
Something that I always yearned for were more RP tools for illusionists.  Really.. they come up short in game mechanics.



Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2007, 11:52:58 am »
Do Sorcerers get to teleport?  Or just Wizards and Treewalkers?


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2007, 11:55:37 am »
Stephen, I'm sorry, but I deleted your post.  

Those commands weren't ever really supposed to be used by the general public, and it was an oversight that they were available to PCs This should be corrected in the next update.


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2007, 11:56:09 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
Do Sorcerers get to teleport?  Or just Wizards and Treewalkers?

Sorcerers do not get teleport, no.


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2007, 12:08:12 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Stephen, I'm sorry, but I deleted your post.  

Those commands weren't ever really supposed to be used by the general public, and it was an oversight that they were available to PCs This should be corrected in the next update.

Aw, rats. *Chuckles.* Well, there goes that. I'm fine with the deletion, and understand it.

*Tips his hat.*


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2007, 12:17:30 pm »
As a side note, Draconic is not the speech of magic on Layo.


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2007, 02:10:44 pm »
I'd be fine with adding teleportation, but as part of a PrC (Teleportation Specialist Mage, anyone?), or a feat, rather than a spell given to all wizards/clerics/people who can wave a stick.

Personally, I like the PrC - it introduces a specialization that would be weaker on offensive spells, but who could start actually selling their services.  "You want to be teleported to where?  Two hundred true, plus expenses for components, and I'm not bringing you back."


Re: A few questions some wish to know.
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2007, 04:29:08 pm »
Quote from: darkstorme
I'd be fine with adding teleportation, but as part of a PrC (Teleportation Specialist Mage, anyone?), or a feat, rather than a spell given to all wizards/clerics/people who can wave a stick.

Personally, I like the PrC - it introduces a specialization that would be weaker on offensive spells, but who could start actually selling their services.  "You want to be teleported to where?  Two hundred true, plus expenses for components, and I'm not bringing you back."

"TL to Bind plz"

Meh, The world isn't big enough to warrant it, in my opinion.  I loved the skill when I had it, but I just can't see where it would be useful.


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    Re: A few questions some wish to know.
    « Reply #29 on: May 28, 2007, 04:35:07 pm »
    Well how would instant travel be RP? because in a world it unrealistic not to have full magic travel, when you can open gates to other planes. now the unrealistic part aisde, a evil wizard lures hero's away from the city, and you have to get back in time, what is the RP excuse for traveling halfway around the world in 15 minutes? O.o mass travel could do that and even make it instant, more functions in the player world allows for more functions in the MD world, * a evil mage is caught but just as you plan to bring him and his men to justice they are al lmass recalled away* A player can't argue with that, because a player has the same option if they were caught by the forces of evil, and mass and lone recall is the difference of being in a prison and escaping your self, or escaping with your friends. it matters to RP.

    the less DM needed functions the less player need DM's to get them through DM quest wandering what they emote they can or can't.  

    Now as far as it being a feat for PRC's making it a feat would need a hak.

    But you can make a scripted widget that detects PrC's and hands them out.

    Teleportation en masse is pretty hard here, too... plus distance/number of people being taken. I'm not sure exactly who makes all these housing portals IC but they're not exactly representative of difficulty.

    Plus all wizards will get it, even if they have conjuration as their banned school. *Squints at Storold.* :P
    You sure about that? ;)
    That can be scripted around being when you take the class that ban's conjuration that school is placed under feats, you simple make the script look for that feat.

    Now since the PrC's are hak packed in scripts can be made to detect them so you could make it work for them and the specialization classes. You just make it check for them

    I wish there was a way to make things based off of the specialist schools... I reaaally wanted to tweak some things for them but there doesn't seem to be a function or a work-around for detecting that.
    There is away to detect & a work around. you can set it up to detect the feat of the school, which the game uses to keep track of it. Then for the work around you make the Database detect it and mark it with a variable.

    One thing about the gate system that I have always liked, is you can make the gates lead to ancient place's that are blocked off neraly but for the use of magic. Such as the abyss, or some other plane. Now I don't care to much for plane travel but that was a example.

    You make protals rather hard to get players must find out the true name and know the language in which it is spoken. right there you must not only find the name, but learn the langauge. that just for one gate, it add's something completely knew to the server. Another way to spice things up.

    Now scripting it is not to hard. Uses a script of it own, so it does not tie into any other script so it does not need a include.


    Re: A few questions some wish to know.
    « Reply #30 on: May 28, 2007, 06:38:15 pm »
    As has been stated before, we have a portaling system, and it works pretty well overall.  Could it be improved, possibly, but there are things that we could do with it that are unlikely to happen.  A couple examples:

    * Generalized mass-teleport to/from anywhere at any time
    * Opening a planar gateway

    You may ask "why", and it's a fair question.  At least in the case of mass teleporting, it's been discussed, but we decided not to include it at this time.  Our current code could be easily extended to allow this.  Coding and infrastructure support isn't the issue really.

    On planar gateways, there are two reasons there.  First and foremost, Leanthar simply does not want PCs to be able to open planar portals with Gate or any other "simple" means.  And by "simple" I mean without GM aid.  Second, our planes are in flux due to a mass of changes that came as part of V3.  The server currently hosting the Planes module is being shut down and would need to be completely re-worked if it's ever to make an appearance again.  Prior to this, however, anyone seeking to travel to the planes had to do so via specific, pre-defined gateways, and the challenge getting to them is fairly high.  Getting back from the planes poses a significant callenge as well.

    We have housing portals that take people to the three "terrestrial" servers with ease.

    We have fixed portals, some one-way and some two way, to take people between fixed locations half a world away.  

    We have boat travel within and between servers that is for all intents and purposes instant travel.

    Again, we have these things...scripting is not the question, as most of what has been described above can be done with only minor changes to existing systems.  What is at issue is whether or not these things "fit". For a variety of reasons, they may not.

    All I can say really is we consider all these suggestions.  Some we implement, some we do not.


    Re: A few questions some wish to know.
    « Reply #31 on: May 28, 2007, 06:48:32 pm »
    Anyone can take a spell focus, though, specialist or not. A non specialist with a spell focus in abjuration does not have conjuration as a banned school... You can make something available to people only with say greater spell focus or even epic spell focus to weed out the people who don't have it as a strength, of course, but not speciiiiifically for them!

    It's arguable that GSF is a better route to go anyway, to open it up a bit to people with a lot of talent in that area (including sorcs...why not), and still close it to people who can't, but it's hard to find places to give 'experts' any love when you can't do anything directly to it that I've seen, anyway...

    Clerics at least get their domain power feats to check for, which makes it pretty simple when you add a deity check to it...

    I'm not at all a scripter, I just mourn being unable to directly fiddle with that particular aspect.

    Edit - of course I had this sitting open for ages and only came back to it after Dorg posted... so it looks rather irrelevant, but hey!