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Author Topic: Crafting halls  (Read 124 times)


Crafting halls
« on: June 09, 2009, 05:15:36 pm »
Who is responsible for the daily running and organisation of crafting halls? With the buying of crafting certificates that are good at all crafting halls, would make it seem that they are not run by the local government. I always assumed it was the Church of Dorand because of the history of Port Hempstead.


Re: Crafting halls
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 05:25:21 pm »
This is dependent upon where they are located. No, they are not all generally maintained by church of Dorand, but it would probably also be a bit of a pain for both programmer and player to have to buy a ticket for each crafting hall. Likely as not, in an RP sense, the character has had to purchase a 'crafter's badge in each town they chose to craft in, and likely have regular tithings as well. It's far easier to RP the accuracy then asking our coders to mechanically enforce it.
