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Author Topic: A bit of a problem  (Read 1240 times)


A bit of a problem
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:27:54 pm »
My Character: Alestir Brighton

Well I was out gathering feathers north of center and went down south to windjammers day to try and get more, since I heard people payed alot for them In character so I attacked a parrot searched it didn't find anything, thought it was maybe a more rare Item but then I was attacked by a bunch of parrots! so anyway after that I walk into center noticing right away that the Angels guild npc is hostile and shes the only one so I re-log and she still is, then! from behind i'm stabbed by the ox herder and chased out of center by a very angry Ox that chases me across the land of Layonara. After waiting a day of log out assuming that a server reset will set it back I get back on and the Ox herder still holds a grudge.

So, I'm aware now that I probably shoulden't of attacked the parrot and was wondering if you could tell every Npc ive angered that I'm sorry! :P

The following users thanked this post: Pen N Popper


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 03:34:50 pm »
Killed a parrot?!?!?!?!!

*Very serious look*


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2012, 03:38:09 pm »
Yeah... that's what happens when you attack a non-hostile faction.  the surest way to fix it is a reset.  I'm not sure how to successfully fix it otherwise, but another GM might know.


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2012, 04:20:49 pm »
*Ygraine of the Ursus Clan hears of some parrot slaying beast around Center and starts to investigate to find the fiend who would do such a thing and teach him (or her) a jolly good lesson.*

//An easy mistake to make I think and Alatriel is right in that a server reset should sort things back to normal for you. I shall keep a beady eye open for you in the meantime though ;)


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2012, 05:03:42 pm »
There's a reason why CNR creatures show up as hostile (like deer)- so that you don't have a faction hiccup.


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2012, 10:05:30 pm »
Well you know, I can understand alestir... I would want to kill a perrot to if Allll it said all day long was.. want a coookie.. want a coookie.. want a coookie.



Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 10:22:13 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
Well you know, I can understand alestir... I would want to kill a perrot to if Allll it said all day long was.. want a coookie.. want a coookie.. want a coookie.


Um, think your miss the Polly part to that... but yeah, got a Parrot at my house... and dang is it annoying at times... just wanna reach into that cage and wrap my hands around its tiny little neck and... um... I mean... I didn't say anything...

Anyways, think I was there when that happened... atleast the later part... kinda funny watching the ox chase Alestir around... what was also funny was... when he asked Alex for help. Meant to have sword out when I attacked the ox but nope... just one simple punch did it in... guess his knowledge of the animal anatomy helped him pin point a weak spot to hit and knock the ox out. :)

Not sure if anyone was hostile to Alex after that but didn't seem like so.

Pen N Popper

Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 11:14:41 pm »
In a world where everything is slaughtered for "the experience" it's a wonder that anything that lives, breathes, or even moves still exists! I, for one, would like to see a new parrot feather arrow added to CNR in recognition of this auspicious day. They day even the non-red-when-tab-key-held-down got killed. Eat mor chikn!


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2012, 01:33:40 pm »
Hm, if I may add... would like to see... if not in already... wild oxen that can be killed for meat... or perhaps even tamed to be an ox carrier thing?

Well... in the least, wild ones to be killed, skinned and cut up.

Must have juicy sirloin ox steak. Mmmmmmm...


Re: A bit of a problem
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2012, 01:27:55 pm »
There are, in fact, creatures that can be killed for beef.  They aren't cows or oxen.  I leave finding them up to you.

