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Author Topic: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?  (Read 183 times)

Guardian 452

Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« on: January 26, 2010, 04:22:54 am »
Ok starting this here so I can figure out where I need to post my official request

I have a character with a deity and identity problem...

Andraia Benteel
LvL 15 Cleric of Kithairien

This character was created way back in Layo V2... we did not have the fleshed out deity backgrounds, dogma, clothing, etc etc that we have today.

Since she started out she has payed homage to Kithairien but always wore Plate armor, used a Goad (1 handed spear), and a Tower Shield. And crafted basically all the time. No one ever called her out for doing these things either.

She has always felt more at home mining or in a forge than in a field... I even started a CD thread for her when she was struggling with weather or not she was on the right path. She spent a good amount of time not using her divine magics. This was when I really started not feeling right playing her the way I had been previously. In the end I just decided to leave her as she was... almsot hopeing to be called out for what she was doing.... but that never happened.

In todays version of Layonara I just dont feel right playing her as "The Crafting Cleric of Kith" (Ozy gave her that nickname). Starting over at level 1 (and keeping her DT's) isnt an option for me... I dont want to give up all she has accomplished as a crafter in the world and fairly high level in some fields.

Smelting - 14
Weapon Craft - 17
Scribing - 13
Enchanting - 17
Gem Crafting - 16

(and those are just the higher tradeskills)

So I am wondering what options I have? A graceful plea to give her a proper deity (I'm thinking Dorand).

A character (re)Submission?

or some combination of the two?

Or none of the above?




Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 05:04:26 am »
Well you could do what I did with lex when he was stuck in a similar situation, where the changes to the dogma left him at odds with them.  You could, through a long process (at least it was for lex) have a change of heart, renounce her deity, lose the connection, and in time find a new connection to an other deity, if she ever finds one.

That would not require and gp, and would require two cdq's with a suitable amount of time in between for her to feel the loss, then finding herself anew with a new faith and working from there to gain the grace of the new deity. Not easy, no way mean its a 100% chance of success, but I found it was fun to do myself.

Guardian 452

Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 11:25:30 am »
Is this my only course of action for this matter?

If this were a character I created say 6 months or a year ago....with what is now known of each Deity then and now... I would agree 100% that what you describe above is what I should do. However this toon was created long enough ago that the original character submission isnt even on this forum... so that is Pre-January 2004? So I am hopeing other choices are available given those circumstances.

If this is my only course of action. Deletion and starting over is sound better. Less wait time, less work for any GM's.




Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 01:00:53 pm »
Before deciding on a course of action, you may want to define a bit better where you see the conflicts. Personally, the crafting aspect I don't see as going against Kithairien (the whole living free aspect might even imply a knowledge of making your own tools and clothing, etc). I think it's fair to say that today a cleric who wore plate armor might be a little harder to justify - luckily, its the easiest thing to remedy, since you can simply start using lighter armor. Yes, it may hamper you mechanically a bit, but nobody said that favored weapons/armor were for mechanical advantage.

On the other hand, if you are looking to change deity, it would involve some time, RP, and DM involvement - I would encourage you to look at it as a chance for development, rather than simply something that would delay the new incarnation of your character.


Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 01:14:40 pm »
Because you are talking about extensive character development issues, roleplay and deity/dogma/lore conflicts, this should be submitted to Character Submisssions rather than Grievances/Disputes/Reimbursements. The latter is for more mechanical things. Unless it is a very simple change such as switching out a feat or moving around an attribute point, the Grievances/Disputes forum often works under the Character Submission forum with rebuilds, restarts and character modifications anyway.

Hope this answers your question. I'll hold off any further commentary until you have a chance to think things over and post in Character Submissions if you like.


Guardian 452

Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 01:38:01 pm »
Thank you ycleption. Your post really opened up my eyes and allowed me to see I was going at this from a very narrow minded point of view. I wanted to change her deity and I wasnt really looking at ways to make her work as is. I thought it was going to be too hard to acompish keeping her with Kithairien.

I think putting Andraia back in Leather armors and for the most part just keep playing her as I have been will keep her well within what is written in LORE about Kithairien. I read and re-read the Kithairien deity info on LORE and I think in fact that most of what Andraia does does not conflict with The Runner.

At this time I will just go back to playing and see what comes of her.

Thanks everyone for your imput, adivce etc.


Guardian 452

Kithairien cleric garb
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 02:30:44 pm »
Ok one last question.

Turns out I already did loose Andraias' Metal Full Plate armor. She is wearing Adamantium Reinforced Clothing. My question is, does anyone think that is against her dogma to wear?

Copied from Kithairien LORE

"Kithairien followers wear hides and cloth to protect themselves. Commonly they wear earthen tones to blend with the land. Those following Kithairien believe fervently that they need no heavy armors, as it would detract from their hunting, slowing them down, and alerting their prey."

I would have to think that Reinforced cloth would be acceptable. The only thing is her Ada clothes are all sky blue much like is described for Kiths' ceremonial garb. Perhaps going more earthy for her "hunting clothes" and saving the sky blue for her wearing around when not out hunting... :)

Whatcha think?


Re: Graceful Plea or Character Submission?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2010, 04:28:43 pm »
FYI, there will be a lot more to read regarding Kithairien soon enough... just haven't made it that far down Alphabetically (about seven more to go before Kithairien) in the pantheon updates to LORE. Not saying that will change what you've been considering here, but you may find the additional information helpful in your character development.


Re: Kithairien cleric garb
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2010, 04:36:45 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Ok one last question.

Turns out I already did loose Andraias' Metal Full Plate armor. She is wearing Adamantium Reinforced Clothing. My question is, does anyone think that is against her dogma to wear?

Copied from Kithairien LORE

"Kithairien followers wear hides and cloth to protect themselves. Commonly they wear earthen tones to blend with the land. Those following Kithairien believe fervently that they need no heavy armors, as it would detract from their hunting, slowing them down, and alerting their prey."

I would have to think that Reinforced cloth would be acceptable. The only thing is her Ada clothes are all sky blue much like is described for Kiths' ceremonial garb. Perhaps going more earthy for her "hunting clothes" and saving the sky blue for her wearing around when not out hunting... :)

Whatcha think?

Just going off what is in LORE there, I don't see why reinforced clothing would be an issue. Definitely would see about some earth tones etc, unless she's a sky hunter. *winks*


