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Author Topic: Aerdinite "good to kill"?  (Read 513 times)


Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:48:44 am »
Just after some confirmation on some species as being abberations or corruptions and alterations of natural forms.

Goblins? ( corrupted halflings? )
Bugbears and Gnolls?
Spiders and Bugs?


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 08:27:32 am »
I remember this discussion from when I rolled some ideas for a follower of Aeridin back and forth in my mind. Otherwise, maybe you can request access to the Aeridin group here in the forum and your question is answered there.


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2012, 08:46:58 am »
Quote from: LordCove
Just after some confirmation on some species as being abberations or corruptions and alterations of natural forms.

Goblins? ( corrupted halflings? )

Though the origin of goblins is that of corruption a very long time ago, they are a race in and of themselves.  They can reproduce, pass on genetic traits, etc. In effect, they are life and in a form Aeridin can tolerate, else they would not be able to procreate.


Monstrous? Yes.  Corruptions? No.


Monstrous? Yes.  Corruptions? No.

Bugbears and Gnolls?

Bugbears are "goblinoid" in the d20 system.  They are not corruptions.

Gnolls are...gnolls.  They're not a corrupt race/species.  

Spiders and Bugs?

Vermin? Yes.  Corruptions? No


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 09:15:32 am »
So everything would fit into the groups in the Creature Toolset.
Anything under construct, abberation or undead, an Aeridinite is free to smite? ( with the best intentions of course )

And thanks for the link Aphel, very useful.


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 04:56:19 pm »
What's with werebeasts and vermin?


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 05:51:44 pm »
Quote from: Aphel
What's with werebeasts and vermin?

I don't understand the question.


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2012, 05:55:41 pm »
Are werebeasts and vermin acceptable to kill for a priest of Aeridin? Or does the Livegiver also accept werewolves, werebears and gargantuan spiders as a form of life as well or is it acceptable to go ahead and kill werewolves and dire spiders on sight (for example)?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2012, 06:06:54 pm »

Previously posted by Dorganath
Spiders and Bugs?
Vermin? Yes. Corruptions? No

This covers one of the questions. Vermin are after all alive and no corruptions. hence they are part of the cycle.

( again, they are able to reproduce and are a specie per see )


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2012, 06:47:18 pm »
Correct. My mistake. I was confused about certain subtypes of spiders and other creatures that lurk about in Layonara, but those do of course have already discussed subtypes. Thank you.


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2012, 07:41:37 pm »
Lycanthropy/theriantropy is considered a disease. While the disease corrupts the natural human form, an Aeridinite's first inclination should be to attempt to cure the disease rather than destroy the life that was afflicted, likely against its will.


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 11:26:52 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Lycanthropy/theriantropy is considered a disease. While the disease corrupts the natural human form, an Aeridinite's first inclination should be to attempt to cure the disease rather than destroy the life that was afflicted, likely against its will.

Would that also apply to... Vampires? The disease Porphyria (or Porphyric Hemophilia in The Elder Scrolls series.)

Despite being considered undead cold one possibly be cure of the vamperic disease? After all the person isn't normally killed/dead before being turned and may even be unwillingly turned after surviving being bit and having gotten the disease... or so its been in general vampire lore. ;)

Your bit and diseased. Days later your a vampire. :) wait... that not a good thing. :( or is it? :) dang it... can't make up my mind. >:/


Re: Aerdinite "good to kill"?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2012, 11:40:02 pm »
Vampires are considered to be "unliving".  In NWN/D&D terms, this is equivalent to Undead.  Vampirism is not a disease. It is more akin to a curse, though it is not really that either due to the nature of vampires.

Layonara has special lore for Vampires, and there's a good discussion on this very subject here:

Also, for convenience:  [lore]Vampires[/lore]

