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Author Topic: Alignment: Caster vs Familiar  (Read 276 times)


Alignment: Caster vs Familiar
« on: August 28, 2010, 08:48:14 am »
Say, got a small question. Was thinking Lucindite Paladin/Wizard though the alignment of the familiar in mind is a tad opposite than that of the paladins. Paladin=Lawful Good, Hell Hound=Lawful Evil.

Was wandering if there be any kind of restrictions between caster and familiar alignments.

Also in terms of demons. Where would they come from? Another plane or some where in the same world?


Alignment: Caster vs Familiar
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 10:31:53 am »
There aren't, as far as I know, any alignment restrictions on characters and their familiars.  However, it would be somewhat questionable RP to have a Paladin with an inherently evil creature as its familiar.

"Demons" in the D&D sense don't really exist in Layonara, though the term is probably used by the common folk as a general term for beings that come from outside of the Mortal Coil, and more specifically from the Pits of Endless Strife, but at the same time, not all creatures from the Pits would be considered "demonic".  Please see our Cosmology information, which is our version of the D&D Planes.  

Keep in mind also that most of this information is not widely known to anyone in an IC sense.  If anything is known, or at least believed, there is an inherent belief in the Heavens (though not the details of their nature) as the house of the gods.  As well, the Pits have made it into the common vernacular, mostly as a curse or an oath (i.e. What in Strife was that???), and many users of magic know that those things they summon come from the Pits or one of the four elemental "planes".  

There is precious little information available to most, even within magic circles, as the act of traveling to the Pits takes special preparation and skill that only a relative few possess.  It's also extremely dangerous.


Alignment: Caster vs Familiar
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 02:10:44 pm »
Well, may not be in laynaras lore or even NWN but I have seen a few fantasy stories where pixies were deemed little evil and mischievous creatures.

Hm, would it be possible to say ones familiar is of another alignment and possibly rp them as such? After all no one can really see or even tell what a creatures alignment is IC. Possibly say... a tamed Hell hound? After all it is kind of a dog.


Alignment: Caster vs Familiar
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 02:42:15 pm »




               Originally Posted by geloooo
               View Post

What would we call creatures from the Pits then? Is the term Pitkin correct? If it is inaccurate, is there another term for creatures from the Pits of Endless Strife?


Pit creatures, Pit-dwellers, Pitkin...all of those would work.  Like I said to, the words "demon" and "devil" are definitely in the common vernacular, but more as a mythological term and not necessarily fitting the D&D archetypes.  Some Pit-dwellers are certainly fitting of one of those labels, while others may not look very unusual to mortals at all.  Just as some pits might be considered "hellish" and others a picture of pastoral beauty and calm (which could be hellish to some, of course), so too are the creatures that come from and dwell within the Pits widely varied.

