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Author Topic: Wizard/Sorcerer  (Read 538 times)


Re: Wizard/Sorcerer
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2010, 02:45:20 pm »
So how can they really do anything when there about 10 to 20 levels lower than any creature in the area?

I have a character that started out primarily as a fighter-type, but gained wizard levels much later (starting at level 16). So he fights high level baddies in quests and such, yet his familiar, by comparison, is very "low level." Still, I've managed to use the familiar to relay (written) messages, to be a lookout for the party, and just for entertainment- and Steel's familiar is one of the least utilitarian familiars one can choose.


Re: Wizard/Sorcerer
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2010, 03:57:50 pm »
Well, entertaining and sending messages sure but not so sure about the look out bit... how can something find anything when there search, spot, and/or listen skill is next to nothing?

Eh, maybe in a GM quest some how... I don't really know.