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Author Topic: arrow damage question  (Read 224 times)


arrow damage question
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:04:19 pm »
Questions about arrow damage; please assume the following facts:

Target: Gorgon (please assume this falls into the "magical beast" category)
Arrow head: Platinum
Arrow shaft: Mahagony
Arrow feather: Falcon
(this should create an arrow that does 1d6 additional piercing damage and 2d6 additonal piercing damage vs "magical beast")
Then I add an Elemental Rod Enhancment to the Arrow: 1d6 fire

1.  By applying the 1d6 fire on the arrow, does the fire replace the "1d6 additional piercing damage" and leave the "2d6 additional piercing damage vs 'magical beast'"?  Or, does the 1d6 fire stack with the 1d6 addional piercing damage?  If neither, what does happen?

2.  What types and amounts of damage would the Gorgon be effected by on a hit by this arrow?  My best guess would be it would take 1d8 regular arrow piercing damage, 1d6 fire damage, and 2d6 additional piercing damage vs magical beast...right?

3.  Does adding the fire damage to the arrow change both the 1d6 and the 2d6 additional damage to fire damage instead of piercing damage?

4.  How many times can you use a single elemental rod to apply it to a stack of arrows?




Re: arrow damage question
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2009, 12:34:27 am »
In answer:

  • The fire replaces the 1d6 piercing damage, but leaves the 2d6 creature-specific damage.
  • A gorgon (assuming that the particular kind of gorgon doesn't have one or more immunities or DR) would take the 1d6 fire damage, and 2d6 piercing.  It would also take an additional 1d6 or 1d8 piercing damage, depending on whether a longbow or a shortbow were being employed.
  • The addition of the fire damage only changes (in fact, replaces) the 1d6 piercing damage that comes from the mahogany + falcon tail.  It does not alter the damage from the head.
  • Ten times.


Re: arrow damage question
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2009, 07:07:51 am »
Excellent...all questions answered perfectly...Thank you very much



Re: arrow damage question
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2009, 10:17:24 am »
[LORE]Item Enhancements[/LORE]

I added a few notes at the bottom of the page to reflect the example given in this thread.

