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Author Topic: Ask the Lore Master: So what's with Unplayable dieties?  (Read 163 times)


Ask the Lore Master: So what's with Unplayable dieties?
« on: October 21, 2009, 04:08:15 pm »
In a game which (either by fate or design) is heavily based on KILLING monsters in order to advance at any enjoyable rate, why are there a growing number of Dieties being turned into pacifists who abhor violence?
 Or on the other side, if players are going to be asked to stick to a set of dogmas that stunt any sort of progression through the "normal" and most easily accessed source of XP, KILLING THINGS, in order to RP being a Aeridinite, Az'attan, Shinderlian, etc., is the team going to try harder to reward these individuals to sticking with a very difficult set of rules?
 [INDENT] Rottie, the 'Az'attan' Weapon Master:  Proposed in his Char Sub as a defender of the faith, yet the Church would rather tell him to scram then allow him to fight for them.  (BTW: Daralith?  Open invitation to blow up the Temple in Audira.  They won't try to stop you ;) )  So now Rottie is a WM and not an Az'attan?  Or is still an Az'attan, but a WM, so they don't like him...  Hmmm...  meaning  an Az'attan cleric wouldn't even heal him while protecting said cleric...  (Daralith?  Did you blow them up yet?  Seems they won't even heal eachother if they are fighting)
 Genna B., the Wannabe Sacred Fist:  So apparently Mother Ocean is a softie.  Okay, fair enough, but because a class is "offensive" (defined by it's feats) the character's original story seems to have to go out the window suddenly...  The cleric of Shindy now has to be the Cleric of (something else) in order to make the character not be the next addition to the deletion thread.  But then how are Shindi clerics supposed to level?  Fishing doesn't exactly compare to goblin bashing or Deader denting...  Wait, what am i talking about, fishing?!  You can't even kill fish?!  Ooops...  
 Elohanna, the Aeridinite Mage:  Okay, so she's a mage (no angry god to strip her of her power) but still, she's a softie (and we love her for it) but how did she get to level 21 without either killing things with her repotiore(?) of spells or going "hunting" in the Rift/Deep/Dregar/wherever else and helping other people kills?
[/INDENT] [INDENT] Angel the Aeridinte CLERIC:  Good friend to Daniella Stormhaven, the future matriarch of Toranism (if Clarissa/Rose doesn't get there first), yet he (admittedly begrudgingly) has gone gobbo bashing, and probably some other nasty things.  Lucky for him Aeridin hates undead, huh?  But what happens when there are no more Deaders to dent...  Silly question...  Seems Aeridinites can get away with being violent (to the undead)...  Silly me...
 Alazira, Ilsarian Cleric:  So is Ilsare supposed to be a push over also?  Is she the pathetic cheerleader/blonde of the gods who just wants to do arts and crafts and put people on blind dates?  Or is she the sweetheart who will kick some butt for those she loves, and makes crafts when she's having a good day.  Because Alazira is one of those two...  Yet she doesn't seem to mind shooting people in the butt with arrows (lead ones, not gold ones).  She also has a mean right hook, I hear...
[/INDENT] Did I miss anyone in my slightly annoyed rant?  Hmmm...  Anyway, even if I'm way off the mark, I think I have a good point in there somewhere...  
 But I'll say it anyway!  While Ed and Leanthar and whoever else is in charge can make whatever choices they want to about Dogmas, Gods, classes, WLs, and whatever else since it's "their" world, they seem to be limiting some of the character choices we have as players.  Now sure, Az'atta can be the Redeemstress and not want to hurt others and want to cast of EVERY tendancy of Dark Elves  in order to complete her mission, Daralith is hopfully taking my advice and trying to blow them up, cause they can be as nice as they want but if they can't protect themselves, they are just the Matyr-Clergy of Redeemtion.  Their new slogan should be "Kill me!  I won't stop you!"  *sarcasm*  Seriously, they need a little spunk.  Cause Caduz and and Pyrtechon and Corath are probably laughing and don't take her seriously (especially Corath cause he's a loon).  Otherwise I think they will just become an NPC church that no player wants to be involved with because they are too hard to play and get anywhere with.
 Aeridin has Undead to smite till kingdom come so...  yahoo for his church.  they get a free pass....
 Shindy?  I donno...  I never read her page mainly cause when does anyone meet a Shindy?  But now Honora has one and her concept is more or less scuttled because of feats....  >.>
 Ilsare?  I never saw her as totally pacifist anyway, but is she?  And if so, explain Ami and Alazira?  One hangs out with G'ork and Emie!  The other hangs out with a Toranite Cleric and seems to like shooting things with her bow.
 So as I put in the title, what's with the unplayable dieties?