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Author Topic: Concerning the development of Czukay  (Read 236 times)


Concerning the development of Czukay
« on: May 16, 2009, 04:08:12 am »
Hi there,
Czukay is not fit to follow Corath anymore. He never really found the niche with that deity. I have posted in my character development journal as to how and why I have fallen out with Corath and in game I would like to get my deity changed to -none-  ( is that possible? ) I make my own as I go along, I think I have done a pretty good job of just worshipping in my own ways something that is nameless. Please advise how I get Corath removed as deity.

Also, people continously refer to me as "Count Czukay" in the game, even strangers I have never met before in game call me that. Although it isn't official, I would like to somehow make that official where my name reads " Count Czukay" I have wealth to back up my count hood ( 2 homes and hoardes of treasure...) But I know its not about the treasure, it is the proper granting of the can we arrange something like that? How do I go about that? Please advise..thanks so much.

Would Czukay be eligible for World Leader Status? Whats your opinion? I might want to go for that if it might possibly be obtainable. Ive been around for quite sometime...but havent done to many quests with GM's unfortunately. ( I guess I am just to lazy to login and do it properly) I would like to get more serious about it though...if that would be obtainable, where should i start?

Thank you all so much for being the best of the best in RPG land. No one even comes close to the strength of this team! YOu all rock!


Re: Concerning the development of Czukay
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 09:53:16 am »
As to the deity blanking, you simply need to apply in the character submissions area and post all relevant links for evaluation. Blanking is typically fairly painless and quick.

As to the 'count' that sounds like something that would require a CDQ or set of CDQs and I would take that up with your GM(s) of preference.

Lastly, World Leaders, one of the major aspects of them is GM quest involvement. If you feel lacking in that area, chances are the character is not quite ready for application. I would simply take a look at the requirements and expectations of a World Leader and start working your character in the direction that he needs to move in order to meet those requirements.


