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Author Topic: GP question  (Read 148 times)


GP question
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:06:19 am »
Alright... I think I have one of my characters GPs figured out, like the when and where.

I have another (Tyrian) that I have no idea when (years ago) the deaths were. I have some good ideas... one was with Storold and Mylindra, in some cave with hellballing dark elf mages, but geez that was years ago and Tyrian was the last one standing and tryed to run only to try invisibility and get cut down.

Basically, I'm looking to get one SS back for her so I can at least play her again, but I can't go back through 500... Lore updates to find the place.

Any ideas on an easy way to search? Because going one at a time is driving me nuts. You can't just scroll, you have to click on every update one at a time...

My Thanks,


Re: GP question
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 08:31:56 am »
Well one thought on searching through LORE is not to check every record but rather skip a span of time and check for changes. If the thing you're looking for didn't change, then make another jump.  If it did, then back up by half and just narrow it down that way.

Regarding the death you speak of, if it's how it appears, then it was within one of her last 3 deaths, but only you can say for sure.


Re: GP question
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2009, 01:50:13 pm »
Makes total sense... I was driving my self nuts going one at a time... no wonder you do important stuff and I just play!:)


Re: GP question
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2009, 02:56:12 am »

I did what Dorg suggested, but... between update 219 and update 220 for Tyrian there is a RL year missing. It goes from 6/21/06 to 5/25/2007. Her SS count goes from 3 to 9 in that time. Now I do think that the last one is the one I was looking for, but I was hoping to review more of them to see if anything struck a cord that could be reviewed for an additional one (or 2) returns, because I am confidant that she lost more than one to invis bugs. Problem is now that I can't even look at 6 of her SS losses to see if I can remember. I have a few recollections of another that was lost in the Haven Mines back when the ogres lived there, but if I can't even look them up...

Any more suggestions?

My Thanks,


Re: GP question
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2009, 03:00:35 am »
Well I can remember the death in question but have no idea about when it happened. I might even have a log of the trip to the cave somewhere, but it is a long time ago now. What I can say though is that it was the "dark elf cave" near Huangjin and the dark elves didn't use hellballs but rather meteor storms... I hope that helps


Re: GP question
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 01:38:15 pm »
Okay... yeesh... I figured it out, she was married at the time and I have to look under her married name...

Sometimes I'm a moron!

