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Author Topic: Assistance for the Doctor  (Read 126 times)


Assistance for the Doctor
« on: May 14, 2010, 02:06:26 am »
// The following is an operation Stygian and one of his associates will be putting into play to support Dr. Vensk in his WDLQ per his request. We intend to kill many defenseless people and destroy significant infrastructure. My question is this, would a GM like to assist us in-game, or perhaps do it via forum RP? The IC set up is below:

Adder knelt in the thick underbrush observing the perimeter of the town. The late afternoon sun was cooling, and the biting insects were beginning to fly from their hidden niches. He read through the letter he had received again. Dr. Vensk needed assistance in shifting the focus of the enemy, and Adder knew nothing did that better than the bloodshed of innocents. Tonight the blood would flow, and the Dark Lord would be pleased. He glanced at his goblin retainer and said softly "We will find an ideal target soon. None are to live unless I give you the word. All must be put to the sword." The goblin nodded slowly, not looking too eager for the task at hand.


Re: Assistance for the Doctor
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 10:35:10 am »
//Thanks! PM sent....  Muwahahahahahahahahaa!

