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Author Topic: Druid Forms  (Read 166 times)


Druid Forms
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:55:29 am »
When shifting into a wild shape, or advance wild shape, you get a message regarding items merged. Certain items are in different colors (blue, green, and red). I assume these have meaning (i.e. Red does not, Green does, etc). Can anyone enlighten?


Thief Of Navarre

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    Re: Druid Forms
    « Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 11:14:04 am »
    Rings, amulets and I believe weapon damage modifiers merge with druid shape. Armour doesnt & sheild doesnt as well as enhancement on weapons as far as I know.

    Layonara may have custom rules for such things so Im not the best informed here :(


    Re: Druid Forms
    « Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:29:16 am »
    Quote from: Thief Of Navarre
    Rings, amulets and I believe weapon damage modifiers merge with druid shape. Armour doesnt & sheild doesnt as well as enhancement on weapons as far as I know.

    You have it backwards: I can tell you that armor, shield and helmet properties merge with wildshape. Elemental damage on weapons merges, although its not shown on your character sheet, and enchantment bonus does not merge. Rings, amulets, bracers, and boots do not merge with wildshape.

    I really don't know why there are three colors, to answer the original question, though...

    Thief Of Navarre

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      Re: Druid Forms
      « Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 11:36:02 am »
      Quote from: ycleption
      You have it backwards: I can tell you that armor, shield and helmet properties merge with wildshape. Elemental damage on weapons merges, although its not shown on your character sheet, and enchantment bonus does not merge. Rings, amulets, bracers, and boots do not merge with wildshape.

      I really don't know why there are three colors, to answer the original question, though...

      Ahh haha; I knew it was something like that, so what that I got it the entirely wrong way round ;)


      Re: Druid Forms
      « Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 02:39:36 am »
      Ok... I have been experimenting, and have to revise my statement above.

      I'm guilty of haven taken on faith LORE and NWN, which state "Only magical properties of armor, helmet and shield merge into wild shape" and somehow missed the fact that abilities bonuses and skill bonuses from rings and stuff are added to the creature scores, because you lose prepared spells... My guess is that the game removes rings and such and then re-equips them, which cause the loss of spells (the things in green). Maybe that doesn't happen to the things in blue? Or maybe "magical property" means something specific, and not all bonuses. *shrugs* I dunno....

