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Author Topic: Layo food chain  (Read 123 times)


Layo food chain
« on: January 23, 2009, 01:39:33 pm »
Hey I got a good one for you guys. If you were to make a food chain of the wildlife of Layo. What would be the one on top of the beetle bugs?


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 02:35:25 pm »
To start, I guess, there would be more than one creature that eats the large beetles, but you can assume any large predator, especially the dire creatures, wouldn't have too much trouble cracking open a beetle's exo-skeleton. It would also depend on the area, I suspect, and I'm sure sentient races (such as goblins) would have no problem eating beetle. Is there something specific you're looking for? A specific area or type of beetle?


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 02:50:10 pm »
actually i was thinking of something for one of Feh journal entry and while I asked here I also asked on irc. Got spiders there hehe. But yeah I agree with you that the local would have a really good impact on what the predator would be. My thought was for the falls forest, which the spiders do make sense, if you think of a quest that was made a while back with an over abundance of spiders in the wolfswood and falls forest areas.

Although a lot of time, it would be really cool to see a basic food chain map for those druids and ranger out there.. would give more to rp with I think.


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 06:02:03 pm »
You know Grovel.  He eats absolutely anything and anyone.  Especially other gobbos, not only for vengeance, but for the sheer evil joy of cannibalism!  Grovel's like the spacer-link in between most other links on the food chain.  Kind of like the Hail Mary beads on a Rosary! :D



Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 09:10:18 pm »
Anteaters eat grovel?


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 09:12:21 pm »
Quote from: Makashi
Anteaters eat grovel?

forget that. Im still wondering how Grovel comes back to eat Nanoc.


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2009, 09:33:55 pm »
Quote from: Link092
forget that. Im still wondering how Grovel comes back to eat Nanoc.

After Nonac eats Grovel, Grovel bursts out of his belly like a face hugger alien and eats him back.  Anteaters just get lucky because Grovel is so bloated after eating so many ants.


Re: Layo food chain
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2009, 09:36:19 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
After Nonac eats Grovel, Grovel bursts out of his belly like a face hugger alien and eats him back.  Anteaters just get lucky because Grovel is so bloated after eating so many ants.

..... *screams and runs*