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Author Topic: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind  (Read 456 times)


Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:24:42 pm »
Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind

"Weapons: No preference but if any are used, it would be a smaller weapon. Ranged weapons are commonly used. Enchantments of Electric only."

What about sonic? I find sonic more related to air and speed then electric... no?
Electric is like acid... it's not an element, just something that Nature wields.

(is this the right place to post this :P?)


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Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 01:17:20 am »
Sonic is not an "element" either. ;)

And sadly, there aren't any sonic enhancements in-game. A very rare few items have a sonic damage component, I think, but they're modest at best.


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 01:35:23 am »
Also, the association of static and lightning with swirling winds makes a certain amount of sense.  Sonic almost seems more like an Earth enchantment to me.

Though, as Dorganath pointed out, Sonic is not generally available to players in-game as a permanent enchantment.


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 05:55:36 am »
Well it's not that sonic aint or not an element... but I see it related to pulses/agitation in the air, sound.

I dunno electric seems less... elementalish :P

Earth usually has weakness of Sonic, that's my association. Sonic breaks earth into dust. (rock golems have vulnerability to sonic I think for example, not sure)

Well was just a thought :) and if IG is not holding that... nevermind then :P


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 10:33:13 am »
Moved to "Ask a Gamemaster" :)

And I'd say sonic would indeed be a good (if not better) fit, but as there's no sonic enhancements in game it's kind of a moot point. Hence the electricity.


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 11:02:32 am »
May I ask why not sonic? Just didn't happen... yet?

Arcane casters for example manage to move some sonic related powers in the shape of spells of high-frequency waves like shouts (or singing hehe).

I was just imagining a punch that would look like "blowing" the foe away due to sonic strength.

Or perhaps... there could be 2 side wings for Air, as the skies are restless and in constant change:

Storm (chaotic): electrical
Values: power, randomness, destruction, madness

Sound (lawful): sonic
Values: speed, control, precision, clarity

Though I can not think of anyway to do such separation to the other elements...
Fire is fire... (could be good fire and evil fire (positive, negative)
Water is water... (could be natural water and magic water (divine, magic)
Earth is earth... (no addings! just pure brute force :D the heart and source of things)

hehe just some random thoughts :)


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2009, 12:02:47 pm »
It was a decision made long before I had anything to do with this world, but one reason given to me was that there are very few creatures with any real resistance to sonic damage.  My own character, when he was much younger, was seeking a sonic enhancement for his weapon when I was told this.

There are several buffs and spells that will do Sonic damage for a short time in some form or the other, but as far as anything permanent, there's really only a handful and except for one item, it's either something like ammo or it's a very modest amount.


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2009, 12:28:46 pm »
Well I don't want to sound demanding hehe
The world is really good as it is for all its richness and environment, detail and complexity, control and the mighty calendar :P

But about that amount of damage being much smaller due to hitting most every creatures it would be perfectly fine.

Actually... it fits:

Sound (lawful): sonic
Values: speed, control, precision, clarity

Precise hits... not so much damage but always hits :)


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2009, 03:08:35 pm »
The dig is that sonic enhancements of any power aren't already built into the CNR system currently in use, and putting them in would be a non-trivial task. Such being the case, the few who still work on NWN development would want to weigh whether adding the sonic enhancements would be worth the effort, both in time spent as well as game balance (though, admittedly, "game balance" is always a funny term when referring to NWN). In other words, since monsters and encounters were not built with sonic weapon enhancements in mind, adding sonic enhancements would also require tweaking of the IG encounters.

Right now, the folks that primarily deal sonic damage are bards. It's one of those abilities unique to that class and gives them an edge in party usefulness.


Re: Path of Elemental Balance and The Way of the Wind
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2009, 04:18:52 pm »
Ah there is no problem at all :)

After all, I can RP the way that the Way of the Wind is weld through the fists.

Thank you all for the attention by the way!

Heh Val will make a trip to that monastery one day indeed :)