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Author Topic: Caliban  (Read 412 times)


« on: May 21, 2006, 03:27:24 pm »
Name:           Caliban
Real Name:    Anthony
Age:          39
Characters:    Elladan Peters, Alain Spender
Location:    Nottingham, England
 (yes, Sherwood Forest is nearby, and yes I do own a longbow)

Who am I?

(answers on a postcard to....)

Yes, I'm a Brit, although I did live in Seattle, USA for a year. I started playing RPG's back at the tender age of 14, which means I've been a roleplayer for some 25 years. This fact frightens me a little. I've done most forms in my time, up to and including Live Action RP. I've also a litle experience in longbow archery, and more than a little in Re-enactment - which means I know what it's like to wear real Plate armour, or chainmail, and I've been trained with swords, shields and spears. Be warned, this may effect what I let you get away with in my quests!

I've been told I have an evil sense of humour. I've also been told I'm devilishly handsome. One of these is a lie. YOu decide which.

I have two kids, and an understanding partner - who also plays here. The latter is probably the only reason I get away this spending so much time around this place.

What to expect on my quests? Hard to say. I'll expect roleplay, and use of brains. Roleplay is why I'm here. Play your character well, and you may get unexpected rewards. Try and cruise along, and you'll get very little. I'd hope to be able to challenge you.

Oh, and I expect you to have fun. Or else.

Now, what does this Kill Wand do again?........

