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Author Topic: Can I trade helmet of armor II?  (Read 832 times)


Re: Can I trade helmet of armor II?
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2007, 06:50:14 pm »
My rogue uses the helm of armor II with a cloth hood visual.
I agree that the Full Adamantium Plate Dress is ridiculous, but changing the reward that you worked hard to get into something that fits more your character isn't bad RP.
I have the habit of roleplaying also when I'm alone.
Call me crazy but I say things, and talk to NPCs...
So I just had My character ask the wizard in Fort Llast to pass on the enchantment from the helm to his hood.
I know it doesn't change much but there's now at least a reasonable, roleplayed explanation as to why Lino's hood is enchanted.
I guess, just use your imagination, but don't go too out of "reality"...
Just my personal opinion on the matter.