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Author Topic: Center Crypt Skeletons  (Read 531 times)


Center Crypt Skeletons
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:30:57 pm »
Ok so, made Alexander and went on the undertakers quest to get his lamp. Took out Skeletons easy enough with his heavy mace but the spider seems much more powerful and well, being the persistent stubborn person I am (and Alex is as well :p ) I kept running back in to kill it till the Skeles respawned then went around killing them again.

My problem though and yes I know they can spawn with and use random items but shouldn't there be some sorta limit to what items they can and cant use?

First one quaffed a potion of bulls strength and one hits me. Ok, sure, being level 1 practicly everything one hits you.

My major problem was when I was fighting the spider again. a Skely came up and pulls out... a scroll of animate undead?!!! and right behind me appears an skeletal chieftain?!!! :o :o :mad: :mad: :mad:

A level 1 skeleton... casting animate undead... at a caster lever 10... summoning... a skeletal chieftain?!!! :o :o :o

Guardian 452

Re: Center Crypt Skeletons
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2012, 11:39:45 pm »
At one point our undead used to drink nwn heal potions and kill themselves.  LOL that was always funny to see.

If this can be further limited what a creature can and cant use from its inventory.... not sure it can. Lets see what those who know a bit more than me have to say. :)



Re: Center Crypt Skeletons
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2012, 11:46:04 pm »
Well... I hope so... cause not ever a level one rogue with high CHA, Skill focus and points in UMD could cast something like that... nor any low level wiz, sorc or cleric

Guardian 452

Re: Center Crypt Skeletons
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2012, 12:08:36 am »
at least within NWN mechanics clerics, sorc, wiz etc can read scrolls beyond their skill levels. My level 11 cleric could use a Undeaths Eternal Foe (foe) scroll he has but it isnt a spell he can cast until something like level 19 or so?

