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Author Topic: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission  (Read 136 times)


Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:05:21 pm »
Hello and firstly, thank you for any help & clarification in advance.

I'm new to PW though a keen and eager RP'er from pen&paper days far back. I didn't want to start a submission thread just yet as still finalising the details of my concept.

I have 2 Character concepts I'm keen to play but wondering how much I need to put down in the original submission as it all seems to be IC info. Both these concepts are how I imagine them developing through CDQ's & good, long RP so not wanting any quick fixes but I'd like to have it stated up front how I hope to develop them rather than discover my dreams must be crused through some rule technicality or some-such problem.

1) Sun Elf Redeemer.. Fanatical Inquisitor -
Bard (1)/Cleric(x) --> RDD heritage --> Epitome of his success and redemption would be just a few Paladin levels at the very end of his adventures perhaps.

A hedonistic, fun-loving bard (TN-ish) who through sins & gambling debts gets caught in a fire and destroys his family & reputation. Scarred and very much changed, heseeks penance & to redeem all by submitting to Rofirein, the "Lord Protector" and venturing out into the world to honour, protect and make up for his crimes as well as yearnings to discover himself, who is truly is and where he fits in the world.

His minor, political&merchant house has ancient connections to long-lost prophecies and a dragon bloodline if he can ever uncover this heritage he might yet succeed as a champion of the "Gold's eye" and true knight of his lord.

Moving from a TN, selfish & carefree boy into a lawful fanatic seeking only to carry out the bidding of his god and uphold laws of the land.

2) Deep Gnome Infiltrator.. devout ambassador/spy amongst the outsiders -
Cleric(12+)/Monk(12+) -->Assassin or SD.. or even both if he can rise through the ranks of his cult i.e. (5)/SD(1)

A small, selective order or cult amongst the Deep gnomes who are seeking to gather information and infiltrate the outside world in preparation for some disaster or cataclysm which may arise to throw them out from their rocky sanctuary. This cult worhsips Kithairien, "The Runner" from the Wild Elves.

Taken and brought up from birth within this Order and trained and prepared to travel and mix amongst the outsiders and watch, listen and gather the vital information they need if they'll ever grow & develop as a race outside their tunnels.

Fierce, cunning and clever enough to use whatever he can to succeed in his missions and ventures out as a pure Monk/Cleric until much later in his history.. undercover as a travelling merchant & diplomat while watching.

* Apologies if I've made any basic errors or faults or missed some simple information from the site. Been browsing the great lore repository and forums here but so much info. so I may of missed something. Treat me kindly? ;)

These may, at first glance appear as "Power-Builds" but I'm just trying to get a fun & interesting novel character that I can play for many, many years to come. I'd be happy to do many CDQ's etc and for all this to take years & decades perhaps to fulful these conceptual dreams but I just like having the potential there from the start and knowing where they want to go. Ofc, the characters may be completely changed by In-game events or situations and end up very different but these did seem fun & appealing.

* Are they possible and valid character concepts?
* If I'm starting as a Bard and then want to level to Cleric next (or start as Cleric and level to Monk next lvl) how does this work? Do I need to do a CDQ or some RP Event in-game or do I start as a 1/1 character or..?
For example - Bard-Cleric means I want to find a way I can show my repentence and wish to follow Rofirein as a Cleric would I need to find an Order willing to accept me or is their a convenient one that would allow me in as a young, acolyte or student. I imagine Lvl 1 to 2 isn't so very hard to achieve so just wondering how it would work and if I'd be waiting on the RP or CDQ process to level rather than just having it relatively straightforward.
* Do the extra PrC etc. additions later seem plausible & make sense?

Thank you. Hope this makes sense - getting late here. ;)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 06:24:12 pm »
Hey there,

We always love to see new faces. If you haven't already, make sure you read through The character submission rules

Now, speaking only to the mechanics of your ideas, I hope what I'm about to say won't discourage you, but...
Somebody with "RDD heritage" will simply not be approved, and in Layo, having "dragon blood" is not how the class is achieved in any case. Likewise, a connection to a noble house (however minor), will not be approved, since it would give advantage over other characters (unless any potential advantage is nullified via the backstory; eg, exiled, estranged, extinct, etc.)

Monk has [lore]restricted multiclassing[/lore], and given the obvious power build, cleric/monk would be viewed with scrutiny (I'm not saying it couldn't happen, I can think of one in game, just that it would not be easy).
Since assassin is only available to evil characters, and evil not available to new players, it would have to be a long term goal, and would be a multi-step process. Similarly, your proposed class split is impossible, both because mechanically a character can only have three classes in NWN, and because we require at least five levels of each class a character takes.

With that said, it seems like you have a good grasp on the personalities, and so my advice to you would be to write up a story and submit it - the character approval process is to help smooth it out with existing lore. Also, if you have specific questions, try hopping on IRC, and asking.

Best of luck getting a character together :-)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 06:28:22 pm »
Ycleption already addressed most of what I intended to answer in this thread, I'll just point out one further detail from Character Submission and Approval Policies:
Quote from: Character Submission and Approval Policies

If you have a character with multiple classes, you must have 5 levels minimum in each class before level 20 (e.g. You cannot have a level 3 rogue, level 17 fighter, you need at least 5 rogue)

So having one level of Bard or "a few" levels of Paladin is impossible under the rules.

That being said, you're clearly a very creative person, and we're always ready to help develop characters into something that fits both with the rules of the server and with world lore. :)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2010, 06:57:48 pm »
Aggh.. *knocks head*

Many thanks to you both for a very speedy reply.

Firstly, I know some of these look like those cliched power builds but I'm more after the playabillity and fun RP nuances and potential so it's all long-term goals I just wanted to ask if these things were indeed possible.
The RDD I've been going on is from the NWN lore so I have no idea how they are ingame but I'd certainly be keen to find out and discover the heritage (All I currently notice is that Rofirein happens to be a Dragon *grins*) Even if it took many years and many CDQ's etc to acomplish I'd love to have the chance to explore that aspect eventually but it's not a deal-breaker.
The minor house/political family is simply something I carry with DawnRaven everywhere he goes as he's that sort of character from a minor branch of the House of Dawn. If I can think of any way to break that down so as to give no power over other Players (noone likes such things) I'd be glad to i.e. Banished House, family power & influence destroyed in the fire along with holdings, name lost & forgotton or something more cunning.

The details and exact way of things I have left open both due to my severe lack of knowledge of the Layonara lore specifics and also because I want to add and expand on the exact details in the character submission thread later.. I really just wanted to get the basic concept out there to see if they're workable.

So I must have 5 levels of Bard?
The reason I wanted one was he was so frivilous and carefree while growing up he didn't study much and was simply blessed with a fine voice and good looks (A Ladys man, roguish & dashing hedonist) but with the gambling debts and problems that resulted in a fire and disaster he's not feeling like singing or carrying on as a bard at all - he needs to make up for his crimes and redeem his family honour & pride somehow (hence the move to Lawful Cleric)

So Bard (1) is out? Hmm.. I could perhaps at a real push make him a bard and then CDQ ingame the fire and disaster that turns him to a cleric at 6ish?
I had kinda envisioned him as starting out as a bard inside the cleric's retreat/ Order as broken and forsaken to his bard calling and already a student learning the ways of his diety inside the Order, ready to become a true acolyte or whatever is the lowly starting rank for our Clerics of Golds Eye at lvl2.

Either way he's getting an xp penalty from the non-favoured class so it may be a while yet. *sighs*

Also, thank you for pointing me towards the multiclass restrictions. That does change things a bit for my Gnome. I imagined it as the Cult actually "breeds" these select individuals for this exact & specific purpose of infiltrating the Outside and so they are both devout followers of "The Runner" but also with the inbred survival and training of the Monk so the Cult would have these specially bred, rare Monk/Clerics who are equal in both. I love the concept but going to be a long, long time as well to level with the -3ECL etc.
In worst case scenario perhaps I'd have to go 12 Monk then Cleric or otherway around rather than weave them equally? I'd get an extra 20%xp penalty? It would also rather mess up the concept and the idea of them being equal monk/clerics who wander the world as merchant traders to gather info. unarmed & unseen for their God. :(
I'd love to see such an Order developed for the Deep races (who can stand each other ofc) that worship Kithairien and uses Monk training of body & mind to act & survive outside.
Such a "cult" would seem, imho, to have huge potential for some great RP and plotlines later if they believe in a ever-nearing armageddon of the Deep
where they'll be forced outside and up into contact with Upsiders. Having a way to pre-plan and prepare seems only wise.. and a barrel of fun too. Any chance there might be room for such an organisation?

In a perfect world, I wanted to try the Elf first and see how that went before starting on the Gnome but that's maybe no big thing. I could perhaps even start with a very simple concept character and then submit these later after I've tried the world for a little while. I just hate to have to many heroes and would like to be able to concentrate on one and see it develop to full potential over long period of time.

Many thanks for the useful & very quick replies. Very glad to be a part of this community and hope I can grow as a useful contributor here in time.

Sorry for length of the post and if these questions are bothersome - just wanted to get some thoughts on how I might best acomplish what I'm looking for in terms of this worlds lore & ruleset (all rather confusing and masses of info. for a newbie)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 12:50:29 am »
It is a ridiculous amount of information, heh.

Questions = Good.


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 01:20:03 am »
Quote from: Dun'Raven
I could perhaps even start with a very simple concept character and then submit these later after I've tried the world for a little while. I just hate to have to many heroes and would like to be able to concentrate on one and see it develop to full potential over long period of time.

This is an idea I was going to suggest.  I would recommend it to anyone.  Get in with something simple.  Look around.  Interact.  Go on some quests.  Get a feel for what the place is like and what already exists.  You may even find out you don't need any fancy background or class list to have an awesome character.

I started with a concept I really like (nothing too elaborate) and never really developed it as much as I would have liked because I didn't really understand how the world worked, IC or OOC.  I sorta slowly retired him and started another; I'm a one-character kinda guy, really.  My second character (still nothing too elaborate, heh) is still going strong after years, and better for me knowing about the world through a few months of play before starting her.


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 02:30:33 am »
"Nothing too elaborate", says the soft-spoken, fleet-footed Hero of Trelania, Protector, and ally of the Crown. ;)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 05:25:23 am »
*Smiles and nods*

I'm eager to get in and actually start playing in this wonderous, new world so I've already started a new submission.

I must confess to often suffering from "Altaholism" which can often turn nasty so I really wanted to try and get these in first to avoid that but it's no big deal and I'll certainly be coming back to (both) these characters later I imagine.... even if I have to start from scratch and found a new Cleric/Monk an infiltration & spy cult myself ;) though I still think it may have some awsome RP potential if founded and used from "behind the scenes" and with NPC's.

I do love "deep" backgrounds as I often have a few favourite characters I tend to bring to most of my games whenever possible and they're really just that - long-time friends and adventuring without them feels lonely and sad. Better to be prepared, they say and I tend to agree and enjoy having in mind what I'm after from the start, even though I then start from scratch in-game and develop them into the concept so dreamed of. Ofc, they remain flexible and world in-game events or time changes much but having a broad sense of someone at their core just gives me endless hours of fun and food for thought.

Would still be keen to discuss any fine details of developing these concepts further but there's no rush at all now and probably it's better to wait until I get in to play so I can offer better (and more concise) commentary here.

Now, I better get back to reading more of the stickies and lore.

Thanks again, all - great welcome here indeed. :)


Re: Couple of questions on Character Concept & Submission
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 10:48:57 am »
Quote from: darkstorme
"Nothing too elaborate", says the soft-spoken, fleet-footed Hero of Trelania, Protector, and ally of the Crown. ;)

Pff.  Yeah, now.  If she had started at the destination, there would be nowhere for her to go.

