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Author Topic: creating a new crafthall  (Read 294 times)


creating a new crafthall
« on: December 03, 2007, 01:28:28 pm »
Ok I had some ideas trying to fall asleep last night and here they are...

I was thinking about trying to turn the Inn Tyrian owns in Leringard into a crafthall. She's always been about the individual crafter and it seems a logical extension of her life. Also this would put a crafthall in game in northern Mistone.

There are five rooms that she rents out, if the main large hall could have crafting implements dropped into it could those five rooms say be sold, for say 30k each to individuals as apartments to help pay for the remodel? Of course the buyers would have to be able to place their own placeables so they could lock their crates.

Also could the key to the house be put on a door inside to the three large rooms that Tyrian would want to keep as her and Mylindras residence? And thus the front door always be open so anyone could access the crafthall?

Basically I want to turn over most of the property to the Team to put in a crafthall, while saving the 5 rooms, to be sold for storage or apartments to players to add housing on West, and save the three rooms that Tyrian and Mylindra live in. The main room and storage rooms are deffinatly big enough for all the crafting stuff.

Also I was thinking that maybe a portal could be put in too, that goes somewhere neat that not alot of people go like Krashin or Dragon Isles. A fee could be charged at the portal that could be used for the "upkeep" of the equipment in the crafthall.

As far as paying for it here were my ideas...

The sale of the 5 rooms for 30k each, I could also donate alot of the items in Tyrians store to say the Doran Temple in exchange for workers, and Tyrian does have a little True in the bank.

All told I think I can come up with 300k maybe in total through donations to the Doran temple, the room sales and cash on hand.  Would this be enough to pay for a working kitchen and crafthall, and maybe some of the fancy implements like infusing tables and enchanting alters?

Or is my whole idear to far fetched?
Any feedback would be lovely!

//edit: so in the end the only part of the Inn that Tyrian would own would be the three large rooms, the hall would be the Teams, and the 5 rooms would be the property of whoever bought them. Tyrian would not own the crafthall, it would be public property//

Exodus Stonecutter

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Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 11:59:10 pm »
Changing  ALL the rooms in the house to be separate from the craft hall would be very easy to do seeing how there are around 5 doors on the outside of the house.  You could make space behind the crafting areas for rooms and use one of the other doors to Lock/unlock   the living area while removing the door to the crafting area for everyone in Layo to use   Just an idea


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 11:29:47 am »
Since there has been no GM responses does that mean this is not possible?


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2007, 11:47:51 am »
While I can't speak for the design team, I can say that it is highly unlikely.  First and foremost, because the most that any other organization has received in terms of crafting equipment was the Weary Traveller... and that after an enormous amount of time and money.  And that was still just a kitchen.

Also, from experience tinkering with these things, one of the things that causes the most lag on server start is crafting equipment - leading to a natural desire to keep the numbers of such things down.

After all, it's only a quick boatride from Leringard to Hempstead... and the crafting facilities available there.

So, while, again, I cannot speak for the design/update team, I'd say it's highly unlikely.


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2007, 02:08:13 pm »
What darkstorme said is essentially correct.

To clarify things a bit more...

We have never allowed CNR equipment in private or guild housing.  The only exceptions to this have been cooking equipment in the Weary Traveler and the Leringard Arms, as those products are more about RP than profit.

So to the idea of having a craft hall with access to rentable rooms, I'm going to have to say "No" to that idea. However, if you wanted to try to establish a craft hall in Leringard...probably in the docks district, and were willing to pay for it, then that's something that might be discussed.  Keep in mind that there would be no benefit to any characters as a result, other than bragging/naming rights.  There'd be nothing special about this special features or privileges.  And in addition, it would have to be a "basic" craft hall (i.e. no advanced CNR devices).

If this is acceptable, then we can discuss possibilities and pricing.

Incidentally, the Weary Traveler example that darkstorme cited was not related to the CNR devices there but all the other unique goodies they have.


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2007, 02:45:36 pm »
hmm, well the rooms wouldn't be "rentable" as I want to sell them permenantly, with those profits going to the remodeling costs. The only rooms I would want to keep are three for Tyrian and Mylindra, so basically I would be turning over 90% of the house Tyrian owns to the team for the crafthall. No money would be made at all by my character, in fact she's suffering a loss, a loss of 90% of her home. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

Economically this makes sense for the city of Leringard. You have a wealthy individual who is ready to donate a building for the "greater good" of the city, with the provision that it be used as a crafthall. So I would think that the city with Tyrians help could raise the coins for the equipment, I mean how much could it cost for a forge and such, especially if people (commoners) in Layo make like 1000 trues in a year.


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2007, 02:51:45 pm »
And yes one of the reasons I want to do it is Tyrian has 9DTs and will never make it to 21st level with the XP hump, so I want to leave something in the world that she accomplished thats lasting. So I guess its "bragging rights" of a sort.

oh and the other reason for "selling" the five rooms is so five more PCs could have access to housing on west.


Re: creating a new crafthall
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 03:08:07 pm »
Rentable or not, the issue is player housing attached to craft halls (internally).  We're not going to do that.

I understand how this makes IC sense, however for OOC administrative reasons, it can't work as described.

It does seem to me though that an alteration of your plan might work, but the craft hall would have to be physically separate from the residence.