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Author Topic: Magic School Specialization  (Read 279 times)


Magic School Specialization
« on: April 16, 2008, 05:22:00 pm »
Pursuant to his character submission, Caerwyn will be starting to take levels as a Wizard in the not too distant future. As a Ranger, he has some divine spell capabilities that I wanted to make sure would not be affected.

In specific, is there any school specialization which Caerwyn could take that would negatively affect his Ranger spell casting abilities in any way? For example, if he were to take say Abjuration as a school specialization (which has Conjuration as a prohibited school) would he still be able to cast Ranger summons spells both from scrolls and from memory?
I wouldn't think that this would be an issue (Ranger spells being divine and Wizard spells being arcane), but I seem to recall being burned by this once before in off-line NWN.  There I had another Ranger/Wizard character, who took a school specialization (for the life of me I can't now remember which) only to lose his ability to use scrolls previously useable as a Ranger.  I rebuilt and re-ran a different Ranger/Wizard character who took a generalized Wizard path (no school specialization) and ...voila, no loss of Ranger spell casting abilities.

I don't know if this applies in Layonara, please advise.


Re: Magic School Specialization
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 05:26:23 pm »
There is two things here.. Casting and using... If you say focused on abjuration you would still be able to cast conjuration ranger spells, but you can't use conjuration scrolls even if they are ranger spells. This is a NWN mechanism so the team can do nothing to fix this rather odd behaviour of NWN


Re: Magic School Specialization
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2008, 05:50:04 pm »
Quote from: Pibemanden
There is two things here.. Casting and using... If you say focused on abjuration you would still be able to cast conjuration ranger spells, but you can't use conjuration scrolls even if they are ranger spells. This is a NWN mechanism so the team can do nothing to fix this rather odd behaviour of NWN

So as I understand it then, the ONLY impact to Caerwyn's Ranger spell casting abilities, should he take a school specialization, would be the inability to use scrolls from a prohibited school (regardless of whether they refer to arcane or divine spells).

Many Thanks


Re: Magic School Specialization
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2008, 05:52:04 pm »
Yes that is the only way it affects it, I have a paladin abjurer myself, and the only problem is that I can't cast conjuration spells from scrolls while I can cast them from my paladin spellbook