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Author Topic: Question of Volume  (Read 129 times)


Question of Volume
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:16:36 pm »
ok, here's one I've been wondering about as the Really Fun Silver Buckle Roleplay Cooking Party approaches (shameless self-plug there).

Andrew was handed an herb pouch of wheat.  The wheat filled the pouch; no more could fit in.  He then transferred the wheat to box which is larger than an herb pouch.  The wheat that filled the small pouch also filled the larger box, no more room.  He then put the box in a crate, much much larger than the box, and the box filled the crate; no more room.

from a pure mechanics perspective this is understandable.  All hand-carried bags hold thirty-five items, all chests/dressers/bookcases/crates/shelves hold thirty-six.  from an RP perspective, however, it's wonked.

Why do I ask?  after the Really Fun SB...okay, I won't re-link, I'm not that annoying.  After the party there will be food and grains to be donated to the Foundation for famine relief.  What volume of food can I say I am donating?  A box of rice would feed a family of four for a week or two.  A crate of rice, if you take into consideration the volume, would feed a village of fifty for a month or more.  Can I report the donations in terms of pouches, bags, fifty pound sacks?  Will this be considered when distributing?

sorry but it's bugging me.  I think I'm trying to yank Gulnyr's Button Pusher title away...


Re: Question of Volume
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 08:40:51 am »
OK, after some discussion amongst the team, we have an answer that's consistent and makes sense all around.

The problem is there's no X->Y conversion that will make any sense at all, especially considering that CNR is in virtually unlimited supply. So we're not going to apply any straight math to what is made, collected or donated nor will we set some kind of threshold where by a certain quantity of things will feed a certain number of people for a week (for example).

Instead, what we want to see is a perseverance and a trend over time.  To that end, I'll set up a donation center for Tilmar (and probably Boyer as well) for this sort of relief effort.  After a time, we'll tally up all of Andrew's donations and count those toward the Silver Buckle's efforts, and from that collection of data, we'll then make some determination about impact.

A single event like this, unless attended and donated to by thousands, will have a minimal impact.  An on-going effort in this vein will have a significant one.


Re: Question of Volume
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 08:37:23 pm »
If it wasn't noticed, I've added a Rohden and Boyer donation center to the list of causes.