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Author Topic: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite  (Read 4512 times)


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #120 on: October 27, 2011, 12:22:25 pm »
All those with one guy as judge, jury, and executioner are right out, though. That's not just my opinion; apologies to those who can't see Ed's very recent post saying so in the Rofi forum.

As should be expected after the length of this thread, this is actually still under discussion/waiting on clarification. :)


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #121 on: December 11, 2011, 05:04:32 am »
After a bit of thinking about Lawful evil I have in a way summarized my thought on the alignment in general and how it may apply to a Rofi.

Lawfulness (in my opinion) be it good, neutral or even evil would all prize loyalty and discipline (act of. NOT Skill) very highly if not above all else for without loyalty you have treachery witch breeds chaos. The opposite of law. Though as for being LE, they would likely prefer to serve under a tyrant (Lawful evil ruler) and after proving there loyalty to said tyrant (or any leader/ruler) they will be granted power and rank. It would be a sign of disloyalty (in my opinion) to not acknowledge and/or reward a servants loyalty and devotion, and by serving under a tyrant the LE person might be granted the privilege and/or right to treat those under him (lower raking) however he saw fit. Often time flaunting his position. "Know your place, fool."

Though now with that said, the eligibility for an evil Rofi is not all that far off. Indeed you may be doing a lot of good, at least in the eyes of the common people, but there is still room for bits of evil.


An adventurer comes into town and looks pretty well armed. Perhaps he may intend to use those weapons on someone with in this peaceful little town. So being a keeper of the peace... as it were, the Rofi calmly approaches the adventurer and requests he hand over all his weapons. Otherwise he can turn around and leave this peaceful town. The adventurer complies and hands the Rofi his weapons and is thus allowed into town. Later the adventurer wishes to leave and so he returns to the Rofi to reclaim his weapons, but in order for the weapons to be returned the adventurer must pay a fee. He is as always free to leave whenever he wishes but he will not be getting his weapons back till he pays.

Thus, law and order is maintained and the evil Rofi gets to make a bit of a profit on the side. Bit of the pay is sent to the church as donations of course. Must keep up his loyalties after all if he wishes to obtain high ranks and the power they may grant.

One might even tax the roads and gates. Why? Well we don't want to allow free passage for any of those vandals or ruffians to enter these quiet and peaceful towns and/or regions now do we? There for if they can not pay then they may not enter.


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #122 on: December 11, 2011, 05:31:50 am »
Quote from: davidhoff
You know the movie right?  Well I wish I could have found a video clip of the scene but couldn't.

Not sure where this gets us or if it helps, but the scene came to mind when I was thinking about this topic.  It's kind of like Maligant is the L/E Rofie that was found out and kicked out of the faith.  Now Maligant is questioning Arthur about Camelot Law/Divine Law and Kind Arthur explains it to him.  


Hah, "First Knight". Used to have it on tape a long time ago. Old movie but was good.


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #123 on: March 29, 2012, 02:09:51 pm »
Sorry for bringing up an old debate but... think I've found another thing for evil rofies.


As described in the link here, it is the act of methodically beating or whipping a person. Thusly a lawful evil Rofi catches a person performing a crime... they could well... beat them down before hauling them away.

As stated in LORE: Law of Layonara

crimes, punishable by imprisonment for less than a year, forced labor, flogging, or community service

oh yes... forced labor would also be something for an evil rofi. *Cracks whip* Back to work you filthy maggots!

Note these are punishments for lesser crimes... so could they be applied to those who have done greater crimes? ;) ;)

Edit: Wanted to add what I think... would be a great example... don't ask me why. I just like making examples.

A man is convicted of murder and is captured by LE Rofies. They take and beat the man down to about an inch of his life... then haul him away to a labor camp... at least until his court date.

I know... harsh... but he did murder someone... or at least was convicted of doing so.


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #124 on: March 29, 2012, 02:27:34 pm »
I just want to point something out here.  Forced labor and flogging are not solely used by LE Rofies.  This is an agreed upon and acceptable punishment that is used by many alignments.  Certainly a LG may cringe at the punishment or even find it distasteful, but you're only looking at one element of crime and punishment, instead of the larger picture.  Punishments for crimes are what steps in when good morals fail.  If "doing the right thing" doesn't step in, then the deterrent of what would happen if someone is caught often will keep people from breaking the laws.  The points that you're making are only looking at the one person punished instead of the fact that likely, even though you have suggested that the person only "supposedly" committed a crime rather than having faith in the system to prove guilt or innocence, that person is guilty and does in fact need to be punished in some way.  Flogging is a punishment for a serious offense.  If all a person gets is a slap on the wrist, it's not going to deter the larger population to follow the rules of conduct.

As for forced labor, this is possibly one of the easier sentences.  Yes, they are being forced to work.  Think of that as a better alternative to being forced to rot in a cell somewhere.  Prisons use labor camps as a way of letting prisoners resume a "job" that actually gets them OUT of the prison for a while.  Certainly they are still chained, but at least they get to see the sun on their face.

Yes, if the Rofireinite is evil he/she may utilize the situation to their advantage, or enforce the harshest punishments they can.  However, these punishments that you're describing have many different scenarios.

Also, if a man is convicted of murder, he's already had his court date.


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #125 on: March 29, 2012, 06:18:15 pm »
True I suppose, but would think an evil rofie would actually take some pleasure in Flogging and forcing then to work... say... in a coal mine? Not getting any sun down there. Now are they? :p


Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« Reply #126 on: March 29, 2012, 08:42:39 pm »
Don't apply modern-day morality, legality and norms, and certainly not those of Western civilization, to the world and setting of Layonara. For the most part, they simply do not apply, or do not apply in the way they might in the societies most of us know in our day-to-day lives.

