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Author Topic: Exceptional items  (Read 273 times)


Exceptional items
« on: April 21, 2008, 04:43:45 pm »
Can anything crafted by a PC turn out exceptional?  I always read about exceptional rings, panther cloaks, fury gloves and cunning belts.  But can cobalt reinforced clothing, yew bows, instruments, lich claws, sunstaves, etc turnout exceptional too?  If not can you give me a general (or specific) guide as to what I can expect to have a chance to turn out exceptional and what never will?



Re: Exceptional items
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 04:44:30 pm »
Mostly only Jewelry and Certain Clothing Items, but not armor or Weapons


Re: Exceptional items
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2008, 05:03:07 pm »
So to the most part, I can expect things to only have a chance to turn out exceptional if I have seen them on the trade forum, or run a search there and one turns up?

Jewelry, belts, boots, capes, gloves, and hoods covers it then?

And not even all of those, like I can't wager lich claws are a possiblity.  

Thanks for that much info, saves me a lot of looking and wondering.



Re: Exceptional items
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2008, 05:18:40 pm »
Well, In general, things that give skill bonuses seem to be more likely to have exceptional versions, since they can be increased without being overpowering.
There are some things that just aren't crafted a lot, and so may have an exceptional version, even if they don't appear in the forums...

For instance, I only learned recently that cougar boots can be exceptional... just not many people make them.

As far as the lich claws... again, not many people make them, there's a very very narrow demand, and many crafters (like Drexia) would probably refuse to make something that has that kind of evil taint to it.
Hoods as well, I don't know of exceptional hoods, but given that they aren't made often, it's quite possible that there is an exceptional version, but no one has done it yet.

To make an exceptional item, you have to roll a 20 on the crafting roll, and then the game makes a confirmation roll with the same odds as you would normally have to succeed. (so if you have a 50% chance of making an item, you have a 2.5% chance on any given attempt to make an exceptional one)

The thing is, if you succeed in crafting something, the roll is hidden. So there's no way to prove that something -can't- be made exceptional.


Re: Exceptional items
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2008, 05:53:48 pm »
Sounds like enough information to work from.  I appreciate it!



Re: Exceptional items
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2008, 05:55:57 pm »
Well if anyone ever makes an Exceptional Mithril Greatsword, or an Exceptional Suit of Mithril Fullplate, I'm sure no one will tell anyone ;)

But Ycleption is right.  All Jewelry can be made Exceptional (except rings of Divinity/Wizardy I believe) most belts and boots and gloves, and some cloaks and maybe some hoods.  Basically only skill increasing Items.  The jewelries only give you a chance to cast the Spell (for the ablility rings) or increase the Skill bonus (for like silver in Topaz gives Hide and Move Silent bonuses) or for the lesser made Resistance ring give Damage Reduction or Immunity to whatever their save is...