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Author Topic: Sorcerer Teleportation  (Read 232 times)


Sorcerer Teleportation
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:24:32 pm »
Was wandering if say as a CDQ reward that a Sorcerer could get the ability to teleport themselves. Possibly granting them the teleport tomb and the sorcerer rps it as an innate spell rather than casting from the tomb. Or perhaps convert the ability into a spell for level 14-15 sorcerers (7th level spellcasting) thus having to sac one 7th level spell charge (as it were) per cast. This being either a CDQ reward or possibly automatic like wizards.

Think CDQ would be more feasible being a bit unique spell the sorcerer would have to train themselves to use it.

On a side note about teleportation in general (druids branch included): Would say the list of places accessible would only be places the caster has previously visited. How that would be implemented in NWN with out GM supervision I'm not sure.


Re: Sorcerer Teleportation
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2010, 05:58:19 pm »

Tomb = grave, rhymes with boom

Tome = book, rhymes with home

Sorry I can't answer your questions.


Re: Sorcerer Teleportation
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, 06:36:36 pm »
A discussion that touches upon this (amongst other ideas).


Re: Sorcerer Teleportation
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 10:29:15 am »
The discussion Psuedo pointed out covers most of your questions. I can say that a Wizard can only successfully teleport to places with which he is:

1) particularly familiar
2) has some sort of regent from that area (Like the bark off a certain tree.)
3) bound himself with magic to that spot (as represented by the wizard's tome IG)

Preferably he has more than one of the above for any given location. And yes, outside of the use of the IG Tome, teleportation is GM adjudicated.

