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Author Topic: Lucindas Latest Update  (Read 212 times)


Lucindas Latest Update
« on: November 23, 2010, 02:09:17 pm »
Ok first I guess I'd like to thank Ed for updating Lucindas LORE and made both the Risen and Dragonlink sects more clear but... for me atleast... brought up a few added questions.

There appears to be two necro groups now. One with Lucinda (The Risen) and one out on there own or otherwise with Corath some what (The Mortis). Question is... aside from there methods and moral standing I suppose? How does one say... speak with the spirits? As its been stated before the "speak with Dead" spell is well... evil and I suppose a mostly Mortis thing so how do the Resin go about achieving there goals? Speaking with the spirits and such?

Next the Dragonlink, this mostly brought up a though of how RDD could be a little more easily achieved... or at least lead up to. The sorcerer/bard goes about reading and deciphering the dragon writings in ruins, books and artifacts and leans of a deep hidden power they may posses.

without a dragons aid: discovers this hidden potential from the writing in the ruins, books and artifacts and began focusing his time and training into unlocking it on his own. This taking a lot longer than if he were to have met a red dragon to unlock the powers for him.

With a dragons aid: Learns of the location of dragons from the writing and seeks them out to learn from the very source and strive to become one with there help.

Ok now those two are just my personal thoughts on how that achieved, the first being highly denied I bet >:/ though as a differencing of the two. training to be a RDD on ones own would take a lot long than to be granted the power by a dragon and so I'd imagine a long and well kept CDT detailing the discovery and training to become such as to more CDQs or a longer WLDQ than with a dragon. The other way being well... as is. Both no dought being highly difficult.

Ok maybe not much of a question for the dragonlink sect... more... a rambling thought.


Re: Lucindas Latest Update
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 02:53:01 pm »
Quote from: drakogear
There appears to be two necro groups now. One with Lucinda (The Risen) and one out on there own or otherwise with Corath some what (The Mortis). Question is... aside from there methods and moral standing I suppose? How does one say... speak with the spirits? As its been stated before the "speak with Dead" spell is well... evil and I suppose a mostly Mortis thing so how do the Resin go about achieving there goals? Speaking with the spirits and such?

Your question is kind of difficult to follow, but I hope this would answer it, at least in part:

Understandably, the spellweavers and spellprayers that perform this  research and the associated rituals are a practical sort, often harshly  so. Even so, their activities are conducted with a respect for the  living and dead alike, and they go so far as to communicate with the  souls before hand, with bodies often being left upon death by devout  followers for such use to further the knowledge of this rather  specialized form of magic.

So they work on the fringes, but don't push the boundaries too far, and seek consent before experimenting. As you can likely guess, it means that those with fewer ethics, such as the splinter group sometimes referred to as the Mortis (which his not necessarily aligned with any religion), might progress farther and faster in their research, given their lack of respect for the dead.

Next the Dragonlink, this mostly brought up a though of how RDD could be a little more easily achieved... or at least lead up to. The sorcerer/bard goes about reading and deciphering the dragon writings in ruins, books and artifacts and leans of a deep hidden power they may posses.

without a dragons aid: discovers this hidden potential from the writing in the ruins, books and artifacts and began focusing his time and training into unlocking it on his own. This taking a lot longer than if he were to have met a red dragon to unlock the powers for him.

With a dragons aid: Learns of the location of dragons from the writing and seeks them out to learn from the very source and strive to become one with there help.

There are no RDDs without a dragon's aid in Layonara.  That's also not necessarily common IC knowledge, but it's important to mention OOCly.

It is this way by design and by Leanthar's personal decree on the matter.  It's his world, his rules and that's the way he wants it to be. So regardless of one's pursuits, studies or innate abilities, a character cannot simply "awaken" the RDD traits through these paths without actually gaining the support and tutelage of an actual dragon over a very long development and ending in a difficult WLDQ.

In truth, a character is more likely to be a snack.


Re: Lucindas Latest Update
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 03:07:15 pm »
And in addition to what Dorg said. RDD can only be taken upon successful completion of a WLDQ as mentioned here LORE: Prestige Class Submission Requirements


Re: Lucindas Latest Update
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 06:47:44 pm »
Eh, figured I'd get such a response about the RDD. Oh well, As for the Risen part... kinda brings back the thought of my necro cleric/wizard. Though question now is... how do they go about tasking the soul for permission? In truth talking to the spirits/souls of the dead was kind of the original idea for the character.


Re: Lucindas Latest Update
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 08:55:56 pm »
If you're looking for the answer to this question to use in the biography for your character concept, it's nothing that a 1st-Level character would be able to manage.  

As a matter of constructive criticism, you seem to have difficulty in separating the starting point of your character ideas from the intended path of the character.  If learning to communicate with the dead is central to the concept of the character, then you should submit him with an interest in Necromancy and grow, through RP, toward learning such rituals and/or a possible membership in the Risen. And if he joins the Risen, then he will likely learn their techniques at that point.

A 1st-Level character will not, however, start in the Risen. A 1st-Level character won't be able to grasp the magics needed to speak with the dead or call souls of the departed. Keep this in mind, and you'll probably find the character is a lot easier to get approved. Start small and work to the goal of your concept through in-game RP.