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Author Topic: flame weapon & darkfire  (Read 385 times)


flame weapon & darkfire
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:26:32 pm »
I think someone should check flame weapon and darkfire to see if they are working as there lore description says they do.  I think flame weapon is coded correctly, but darkfire I believe may be putting out more damage than lore says it should.

Lore says darkfire is capped at 9 points of fire damage, but I've seen more than that come off some some hits (I've seen anywhere from 12-14 points of damage sometimes).  At first I thought maybe flameweapon and darkfire were stacking, but I tested it and I don't think they stack.  Therefore, I think it is that darkfire is a bit "hotter" than lore says it is.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 12:34:37 pm »
Are there specific examples of times when you have seen the higher flame damage?  Take for instance, the whip Hedessa (and at least one other character) uses has a level 10 flame on it, so it does in the 12-14 range.  But, that is a property of the item and not from a spell.

Guardian 452

Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 12:38:40 pm »
Was the target creature set to take extra damage from fire?

Was the weapon flame enchanted already?



Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 01:25:09 pm »
I'm referring only to the fire damage that shows separate from the weapon damage.  On a normal hit with a weapon that has flameweapon or darkfire cast on it, there are always two (2) damage lines; the first is for the flameweapon/darkfire damage, the second is for the weapon damage.  As far as I know, the only damage that shows on the first line is the darkfire/flameweapon and nothing else.

In Layo, the max darkfire damage is for a level 20+ caster (1d4 +4) is 8 points of fire damage.  So if a cleric is getting anything more than 8 on the first line of damage, then it seems to me darkfire is doing more than lore says it does.

It would take me some research to pull my logs to find examples of this, but I could if needed.  It would be easier for someone to just check the code for darkfire.

Thedagda, you say the whip Essa uses has a "level 10 flame" on it...what does that mean?  Does it have a 10th level wizard's flameweapon constantly cast on it?  Any damage property that is unique to the weapon/whip always comes on the second line in my experience, so it shouldn't be affecting the first line that shows only darkfire/flameweapon damage.

Guardian 452, I'm not talking about examples involving creatures that are vulnerable to fire damage...just normal creatures like Giants and Trollocs.  Also, any weapon that is enchanted in some way, that enchanted damage should only appear on the second line of damage with all the other weapon damage properties.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 02:02:26 pm »
The exact wording is "On Hit: Flaming Weapon Properties (Fire Damage) Level 10"

Which I think is the same as when you cast either flame blade or darkfire on a weapon, except with the spell it lists it as temporary.  And with this, if I cast darkfire on the whip it overrides that property giving it a lower level of damage.

It also shows the fire damage in the first line, before the physical damage is listed.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 02:03:10 pm »
I think that if you roll a crit and have dark fire on, the dark fire will do more damage due to the critical roll, but I am not a 100% sure.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 02:08:33 pm »
Thedagda, it sounds then like you gota nice lil whip.  It appears your whip has a flameweapon property to it.  It does more flameweapon damage than any spell could do.  So that explains why you are getting up to 14 points of fire damage on the first line.

Still, I think darkfire should be looked at.  I've seen other times when darkfire seems to work at better than max of 8 pts of damage.

Hellblazer, I don't think either darkfire or flameweapon are increased on a critical hit.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2010, 05:33:50 pm »
Alright I did some more digging in my logs.  I admit there were two examples where I though darkfire was doing more damage; one was Essas whip (which has now been fully explained) the other was Iradril getting fire damage in the 11-13 range.

I think there must be an advantage to Spellswords when they are given flame weapon.  I also noticed that Storold also gets fire damage in that similar range.  I"m not sure how it works, but it's something other than the imbue damage.  For example, Iradril casts imbue cold, but still his fire damage is in the 11-13 range.  I don't recall reading that Spellswords get some kind of "boost" to their flame weapon damage, but it appears this is so.  Which seems perfectly reasonable since they are spellswords after all  :).

Can anyone confirm that spellswords get extra flameweapon damage?




Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2010, 06:55:04 pm »
It is because the spellsword caster levels works a little different than normal caster levels, thereby altering the normal cap... This is working as intended as far as I know, just Spellsword packing a little extra oomph in their flame weapons, the effects works only for the weapon the spellsword is using and can therefore not be used to benefit anyone but the spellsword him/herself.


Re: flame weapon & darkfire
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2010, 12:07:09 am »
For completeness, Darkfire and Flame Weapon use the same script. At first glance, I didn't see any difference.

