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Author Topic: Question About Undead Slayers  (Read 302 times)

Grid Blader

Question About Undead Slayers
« on: March 06, 2010, 11:45:48 pm »
Ok this was sometime ago, but when Q became an undead slayer for Toran there was a little oath Q took.  He also took a oath for the Shinning Hand.  I remeber when he took the first Oath  (this was back before the changes to Toran)  It went something along the lines that Hunting and destorying undead was a Shining Hands First Priorty no matter what stood in the Shinning Hands way.  (Toran understood that destorying undead took its toll on the undead slayer and forgave more then usuall on what it took to destory the undead (Most to all of the shinning Hand has bouts with depression))).  Second a Brother or sister in dire need (meaning Shinning Hand members) took prestince over your own needs at that time.  Third what happens in the pursit of the undead would be keeped a quite as possable but must be keeped in written record keeped in the Valt only to be seen by other members.  There were other things that went along with it but it had been so long.  

I would like to know is this still in effect?  I mean should we not have a guide line to kind of follow when going after undead.

Mix was my GM I will pm him to try to remeber more.

Just a question
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