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Author Topic: No more SD's?  (Read 141 times)


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    No more SD's?
    « on: June 06, 2009, 12:45:38 pm »
    I was told that as of some point in the past, there would be no more shadow dancers approved. I've been digging around the forums, and the only thing related too closely was Ed's IC explanation of SD powers thread. But, I didn't notice anywhere in there that there would be no more approved. What's the verdict, are there no more being approved or are they just being explained differently? I have a character that is [or was] developing toward that class, so I need to figure out if it's still an option.


    Re: No more SD's?
    « Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 12:58:34 pm »
    We've not, as far as I know, made any statement regarding accepting no more Shadowdancers.  If we had, there would likely be a sticky in the Character Submissions forum.

    They are, however, to be explained as you have discovered, which is a break from standard D&D cannon.  Any Shadowdancers (new or existing) will have to adhere to that  rather than the "typical" description and explanation of Shadowdancers.


    Re: No more SD's?
    « Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 01:38:05 pm »
    We've not, as far as I know, made any statement regarding accepting no more Shadowdancers.

    Correct, SDs are still a perfectly valid class, as long as they fit in to the new explanation.

    So it's still an option for your character, no worries!


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      Re: No more SD's?
      « Reply #3 on: June 06, 2009, 02:06:02 pm »
      Awesome, thanks. I'm guessing the confusion came from new way of explaining things.

