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Author Topic: Giving away a soul stone  (Read 382 times)


Re: Giving away a soul stone
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2010, 08:54:09 am »
*points at what Gulnyr said*

Mechanically speaking, a soul stone is consumed on raise/resurrection automatically, and by doing so, it either eliminates or reduces the XP hit that the cleric takes, which is primarily dependent on deity relation between the caster and the deceased (and not branch into a discussion of Divine Relation in this thread). Mechanically speaking, a soul stone cannot be given away, except though a raise/resurrection spell or GM intervention.

From an in-character perspective, the soul stone is an aid to the cleric when calling one's soul back to one's body due to the very specific "pattern" imprinted upon it by the person, something that is unique to that individual.  I have seen some clerics RP taking them from a person before casting, I have seen some Good-aligned clerics say, "Bah, no soul stone.  Anyone have a scroll?" (yes...really), I have seen clerics pay it absolutely no attention and I have seen clerics cast raise/resurrect without RPing beforehand but then RPing the after-effects of XP loss as a temporary weakening and an admonition to the raised to start carrying soul stones.

The "warmth" comment is just some IC flavor to the whole thing, suggesting a harmonious and/or resonant relationship between a person and any soul stones imprinted by him/her.  There's really very little else that can be read into them with any relevance at all.  The description is, as described, "fluff" to give a mechanical system a bit of IC significance.


Re: Giving away a soul stone
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2010, 09:23:18 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
I have seen some Good-aligned clerics say, "Bah, no soul stone.  Anyone have a scroll?" (yes...really)

Does this means that clerics that uses a scroll, no matter what is the deity alignment receives no xp penalty? I was wondering cause yesterday Tyillaan used a scroll to raise zig on a quest and she lost xp.


Re: Giving away a soul stone
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2010, 09:44:47 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
I have seen some Good-aligned clerics say, "Bah, no soul stone.  Anyone have a scroll?" (yes...really), I have seen clerics pay it absolutely no attention and I have seen clerics cast raise/resurrect without RPing beforehand but then RPing the after-effects of XP loss as a temporary weakening and an admonition to the raised to start carrying soul stones.

Why should a good aligned cleric take a hit to cover what is in 9 out of 10 cases is someone else not caring? Just because you are good doesn't mean you have to be a sucker.

I have raised lots of players of quests and outside when they didn't carry soulstones. Sometimes I have lectured them afterwards, sometimes not.

If it is a new player I dont - much - mind, but when its experienced players and it  evolves into a pattern of not carrying or paying attention to soulstones, then it is quite frankly nothing but disrespect towards your fellow players.

On the point of roleplaying. I have quite often experienced - both on and of quests - that when I kneel down to pray before raising then someones gets impatient and pulls a scroll out, instead of waiting a moment.


Re: Giving away a soul stone
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2010, 10:23:13 am »
Quote from: Hellblazer
Does this means that clerics that uses a scroll, no matter what is the deity alignment receives no xp penalty? I was wondering cause yesterday Tyillaan used a scroll to raise zig on a quest and she lost xp.

No, I'm not saying that.

Quote from: xiaobeibi
Why should a good aligned cleric take a hit to cover what is in 9 out of 10 cases is someone else not caring? Just because you are good doesn't mean you have to be a sucker.

Wasn't saying that either. I was only relaying an observation, not suggesting that Good-aligned clerics had to always raise someone, stone or not.  Some Good-aligned clerics always will, some will lecture the raised after, some won't. That specification was added for flavor to the person reading, not telling people how to RP.

I'm not playing RP Police here. :)

I have raised lots of players of quests and outside when they didn't carry soulstones. Sometimes I have lectured them afterwards, sometimes not.

If it is a new player I dont - much - mind, but when its experienced players and it  evolves into a pattern of not carrying or paying attention to soulstones, then it is quite frankly nothing but disrespect towards your fellow players.

Well, there may be IC reasons for doing so, but that's why we give the tools to the cleric we do (Divine Relation and Eye of the Soul), so the cleric can make an informed choice.

On the point of roleplaying. I have quite often experienced - both on and of quests - that when I kneel down to pray before raising then someones gets impatient and pulls a scroll out, instead of waiting a moment.

Heh...yeah, I've seen that too.  Makes me groan every time.