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Author Topic: GM Question  (Read 131 times)


GM Question
« on: August 22, 2009, 11:27:22 pm »
Back when Ozy was still an active player Stygian was his student in the Infernal Language. We worked on it for a couple of months and my request for the ear was delayed with a request for some more RP and work due to the complexity and alien nature of the language. I left for a while due to RL and when I returned Ozy was no longer an active player.

My question is this, given there are no more PC's who know this language can I submit for a CDQ to finish off my training?

All of the previous work was documented in my CDT.

A couple of weeks ago I tasked one of my regular agents with seeking a speaker, obviously to no avail. This could be used as a starting point for a CDQ...


Re: GM Question
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 02:51:40 pm »
Infernal is not an ear that can be granted anymore as there is no plane to go with it. All of the planar ears that were once granted are gone from the language use with the change of the planes away from DnD.

We won't be removing the ears from the existing players that have them of course but we will not be granting them or using them as part of plots any longer. The planar language use has been ret-conned as 'never happened'. Whether there will be some other planar languages to replace them or fill those gaps in anyway, I do not know.



Re: GM Question
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 03:01:31 pm »
Ahh I see. Thanks :) I guess my next question based on your response would be directed to Ed.

Ed, are there plans to have a language ear for the Pits of Strife etc?


Re: GM Question
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 03:20:11 pm »
Ed, are there plans to have a language ear for the Pits of Strife etc?

Not in this incarnation of Layonara I'm afraid.


Re: GM Question
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 03:48:26 pm »
OK, huge pesky laundry-list of questions for you, Ed!

What will the goals/numbers of the denizens there be?  Are they mostly powerful souls who resisted the Thread's attempts to reabsorb them, or more like an alien species that are native to the plane?  Is it a fully realized extra-dimension with its own cosmos and worlds, or more like a bubble/pocket dimension parallel along the Threaded Path?  What happens to a soul when the fiends steal it along the path?  Eaten or twisted into members of the dark army?

Do the Pits of Endless Strife tie into the magical effects of necromancy's soul displacement?  I could see perhaps a soul being taken from a wizard and being traded for an immortal dark energy equivalent to sustain their consciousness into lichdom.  Since their "soul" was already taken away from the path, they wouldn't fear being reabsorbed after a natural death.  Do undead animation effects tap into this sort of dark energy, or is that from a separate plane of existence altogether?  (I know we don't have "shadow" anymore, is it the "Lumbral" now?)


Re: GM Question
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 03:51:31 pm »
Please post those questions in the relevant thread:



Re: GM Question
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 03:53:13 pm »