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Author Topic: Mangus is stuck  (Read 764 times)


Mangus is stuck
« on: May 29, 2014, 12:05:11 pm »
I'm hoping by the time one of you guys reads this, someone will have already popped on and yanked me out of there but just in case....
Poor Mangus got himself trapped in a quest area;  Dwarven Ruins. He went in by way of the Rumblings From The Past quest. He is stuck there now because a lightning storm came through my area and knocked the power out in my house mid quest and by the time when I was able to get back on, everyone had long since left. 
Don't get me wrong, he kind of likes it there, but he can't sleep and he's running out of rations.  He has thus far spent a fair amount of time tinkering with his inventory and fiddling with this or that,  but he's running out of things to do, and RL beckons. 
I think for now I will just leave him logged in and perhaps if one of you catches this in time, if you could yank him out of there and stick him where ever is convenient for you, he will be much obliged. For what it's worth he is bound at Fort Vehl  but he is particular to Haven.
Thanks in advanced!
Oh and don't be alarmed if, when you find him he is singing some deplorable sailors song. It gives him comfort while he's traveling alone.  When last I checked on him he was singing the one about a three legged woman.


Magnus rescued.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2014, 01:09:38 pm »

Magnus rescued.



Thanks Nova! Your "super" in
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2014, 02:01:44 pm »

Thanks Nova! Your "super" in my book!


