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Author Topic: Godless Orc!  (Read 1003 times)


Godless Orc!
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:18:04 pm »
Poor Mangus. He's running around, being faithful to Shadon, wearing all the right clothes, carrying all the right weapons, doing all the right things, but it seems his creator may have made a little boo-boo.  (My first EVER! ...on that day.) Somehow I either neglected to type Shadon in the proper slot, or perhaps I misspelled it or, when I was typing the name I got unexpectedly transported through a warm hole into another time and dimension only for brief moment but just long enough to make it so that when I thought I was typing  it, didn't actually happen in the more present space and time, where we  currently exis. (My money's on that one!)  But for whatever the reason, Shadon is not spearing as Mangus's dieity.  Sadly I only know this because Mumbles happen to catch it when he bumped into me in game and poked around a little. (Thanks again Mumbles! :-) ) So I'm bringing it to you guys. Contrary to my own personal imaginings that Orcs are hapless, godles, creatures, Mangus, I'm certain, would take offense to that. He wants very much to be able to worship Shadon so he can have the color of his ward against evil be purple-ish...What can be done here?  //Sub note to any forum lurkers, hey guys, you're really missing out here! Layo is alive and well and a great world to go and explore! C'mon in! : )

Lance Stargazer

Greetings  Brutus,That is a
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 01:25:03 pm »

Greetings  Brutus,

That is a relatively easy fix to do , you just need to poke a Gm to met with you IG and fix that for you, If you are around 2 pm CDT I can come and help and do the fix for you. Otherwise look for someone ig or request help on IRC and surely it someone can help to help you with this problem




Too cool man! Ima' hop on
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 05:20:12 pm »

Too cool man! Ima' hop on pretty soon today and hang in there for a few good hours, so I'll get a knock'n on the DM channel from time to time to see if anyone answers. I've learned by now Lance, usually when you say its an easy fix that means its an easy fix! Thanx!






You guys rock!



Lance Stargazer

Has this been resolved? 
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2014, 05:10:43 pm »

Has this been resolved?




Nope. I couldn't find anyone
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2014, 06:23:51 pm »

Nope. I couldn't find anyone when I was on two days ago but I'll keep 'a knock'n'! 


Lance Stargazer

ARe you available at certain
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 06:29:35 pm »

ARe you available at certain specific time window?  I can try to fix it by tomorrow at 2 pm cst . if that works for you .C




Yeah I think that's my 10:00
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2014, 09:21:19 am »

Yeah I think that's my 10:00 am don't know if I can go on around then. What does Sunday look like for you? I'm off on Sunday, I'm sure we can sync up then, although Sunday is an American holiday, Mother's Day. (at least I think it's an American holiday. Do you guys celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day as well?)


Lance Stargazer

Heh . Guess we should have
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2014, 10:10:09 am »

Heh . Guess we should have started to ask you your timezone. Easier that way to coordinate.

We do celebrate Mother's and Father's day, I live in Mexico , our Mother's day its not the first sunday of may but May 10th. But cause mom will be busy that saturday we probably going to celebrate her on Sunday, so there is that. 

So what is your time zone and what are the usual times that you can get in game? That way we'll be able to sync up.




Oh Mexico? Ha! For some
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2014, 03:46:56 pm »

Oh Mexico? Ha! For some reason I thought you were from somewhere in Europe. Yeah our time zones are practically the same. I'm only about an hour later than you.  I'm eastern, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania,  you're central. I KNOW you guys celebrate Mother's Day, if I'm not mistaken that one almost ranks right up there with Christmas for you guys! Lol!

 Hey I just heard that Mexico City got an earthquake. I hope you weren't affected by that. 

On a different note, I spent about a month traveling around Mexico going from one city to another visiting all the ancient ruins two years ago during the 12/21/12 celebration. That day in particular was spent in Chichen Itza. Mayan culture has always been a fascination for me. 

Well, anyway I plan to game with Mangus all day long on Sunday, hopefully I'll bump into you.



Lance Stargazer

Thank you for the concern,
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2014, 04:58:10 pm »

Thank you for the concern, There was a huge earthquake in the Capital of the country yes, I live about 900 km from Mexico City (  about  560 miles ), I live in the North about 2 hours in the borderline with Texas, so no there was no problems here with the earthquake, Thank you for asking anyway .

I'll try to be pending on Sunday then. or before that if I am able to catch up with you.


