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Author Topic: Jinxy wanted to open a store...  (Read 270 times)


Jinxy wanted to open a store...
« on: November 07, 2010, 03:42:12 pm »
Thing is... Jinxy wants to open a store to sell cheap never before thought gnomish creations such as:

- Nosepickeringwoodenilarious: a multi-edges one handle wood-sticks mixture to pick the nose with depending on the naustral size, deepness, status, etc

- Unbalancedbalance: a funny balance that, when there is nothing on it, it looks to be balanced! But when you compare weights with things on, the left side is multiplied by 1.2.

- Lookoverthere Ball: a ball that you can throw high in the air of the night and is very hard to spot, but when it lands it makes a strong flash and disintegrates, having the intention to make everyone nearby to look at it briefly, and being without attention to other areas.

- Teethairears Brushalot: a multi sided brush that can be used to brush your hair, your teeth and your ears.

- Handcuffs of Freedom: handcuffs that can be open only (easily) by those arrested by them. Useful to play tricks.

- Guillotine of Cooking: an apparatus that looks like a guillotine but has a crank on its side one can push any think through it and rotate the crank in order to easily slice, without getting dirty any vegetables or meat.

And many other things Jinxy will invent. Other Gnomes, preferably Goranites, would be welcome to join!
Some of this items are uniquely for RP fun, others might have minimal usage on GM guided events (like Lookoverthere Ball).

My questions are:

Are there any IG rules/laws that apply regarding "opening stores"? Taxation? Regulations?
To what extend can Jinxy make this store? Physically existing IG? Can the items be done/added (without any abilities of course)?
Are there any other questions I should have asked here? hehe



Re: Jinxy wanted to open a store...
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 05:13:11 pm »
In answer to your questions:
  • If you intend for Jinxy to open her store in, for example, Prantz, then yes, there are probably regulations.  In most other cities in Layonara, however, people are welcome to sell off the back of a wagon, from a small booth near the edge of the city square, down by the docks, or off a tray around their neck.
  • That depends largely on your definition of "store".  If you mean, "can she be in-game with her goods", then certainly - you can even use the PC Quest System to have a chest for their display.  If you mean "an area in-game", akin to the Angels' or Orc Bashers' storefronts, you'll have to look into Player Guilds and Organizations.
  • Whether the items can be added depends on the item, to a certain degree.  If a GM is available, they may be able to rename an existing item, in exchange (most likely) for the expenditure of gold/crafting materials by Jinxy and some manner of crafting roll.  In order to add entirely new items (abilityless or not) to the game, a CDQ would almost certainly be required.



Re: Jinxy wanted to open a store...
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 07:58:03 pm »

Thanks for the answers :)

I'll slowly "craft" her way up I believe.

First she'll just RPingly sell stuff as a traveler that occasionally sells goods... further in time she might acquire a little shop, perhaps with other Gnomes, and then gather materials and have a CDQ for raising the store and crafting the things :P

All in due time ^^

