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Author Topic: Temple Donations  (Read 135 times)

Black Cat

Temple Donations
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:16:43 am »

Is there a way to know what (how much) one has donated to a given deity?
I don't want to know for other players, but I'd like to know what one of my own character donated to his deity's temple.

I kept the receipt but put them in the scroll folder (was a long time ago) and when I wanted to tally them.. .they were missing part of the description and the total amount donated.. since then, I usually took a screenshot of the receipt and then discarded it so as not to clutter my inventory or use up too much space in a chest.

I just wanted to see if my tally is more or less accurate (I did sometime forgot to take a screenshot.. and some of the old receipt may have been missing more than what I thought)

Thanks for any input

PS: If it is possible to retrieve that information from the database or something, it would be for Grohin Silveraxe... donations to Vorax


Re: Temple Donations
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 11:04:11 am »
You have a PM.

