The Layonara Community > Ask A Gamemaster

Help, Mime cleric stuck in balcony.


Help needed, urgently! I am stuck in a balcony in Fort Llast. I see Mage Dalton below me and Lt. Jursen.

*A friendly druid finds Alec and fly's him up some tinder and flint and they get down safely*

Thanks to willhoff for the save! I just now saw this post, like two days later, heh.

@55060hacker, don't hesitate to ping me or another GM on Discord when you get stuck IG. We may or may not be able to pop in game right at that second, but I'll certainly hop on as soon as I can. I'm on Discord pretty much all the time thanks to the phone app, but I only remember to check the forums every few days, heh.


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