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Author Topic: Ohh dear...  (Read 261 times)


Ohh dear...
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:01:02 pm »
Whilst accessing the bioware nwn forums I decided to change my account details. The account needed activation and it wouldn't let me change the e-mail address so I thought the best option would be to delete it and start a new one. Little did I know that the forums account and the multi-player account were linked. So now I can't access any of my characters. Is there anything I can do?


Re: Ohh dear...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 05:05:04 pm »
That one's tricky.  I think there's a way of transferring characters, but it is non-trivial.  I'll leave this one to Dorg to answer.


Re: Ohh dear...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 05:34:58 pm »
Transferring characters is problematic and intensive to say the least, not just tricky. It is because of this difficulty that we have had a long-standing policy of not transferring characters between accounts.

Have you tried contacting Bioware through some non-automated system to try and get your old account back?

