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Author Topic: Change of portraits  (Read 118 times)


Change of portraits
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:44:30 am »
Can a GM help me change the in-game portraits for one of my characters?

If not, how can it be done?

Or can it not be done at all?


Re: Change of portraits
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 11:39:14 pm »
Hi Xaltotun,

GMs can change your portrait for you. What you need to have ready is the name of the portrait.

Make certain you have the full name of the portrait you want to use, exactly as it is written, excluding the size denotations at the end (the H, L, M, S, T stuff) but including any underscores that might precede these. When you have all that ready, post your portrait to custom portraits if you'd like to share it! Then, just catch a GM in game to facilitate the change, or ask one on IRC to come and help you when they are free. Just remember not to ask them to come and do it when they are playing their own characters!

Hope this helps!

(Small Print: You don't have to submit a formal grievance or anything, but GMs reserve the right to change this if you make a ton of portrait change requests and it starts to get ridiculous, or if your portrait is very inappropriate, etc.)


Re: Change of portraits
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 06:21:14 am »
Hi Carillon,

Great, thanks. I have all the portraits ready as you describe, so will upload them and ask an uninvolved GM if they can do it for me.

~ Xaltotun