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Author Topic: How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship  (Read 305 times)


How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship
« on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:34 pm »
Riven is contemplating launching a small guild devoted to connecting mentors with apprentices, called The Hero's Apprenticeship - Today's Apprentices are Tomorrow's Heroes.

He'd just need a small two room space in some city (wherever its cheap). It would be a networking guild - so masters in different paths (warrior, wizard, etc.) could be connected with apprentices for one-on-one mentorship (no compensation asked).

There would also be other perks for members, such as a being able to study a Tome for each path, such as the Warrior's Tome or the Wizard's Tome. Masters in the paths would be invited to write their advice and wisdom for the apprentices in these tomes. Those tomes would live on the forums, I imagine, and be added to as people please.

And a Borrowing Basket - any guild member may borrow one item from a basket of useful goods (low level magical items, bronze and iron weaponry, etc.). Potentially each item is scribed "Hero's Apprenticeship", and may not be sold (must be returned to the basket).

That's the idea in a jist. So....what do you think of this, and how does Riven go about getting a small humble guild space somewhere?



Re: How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 09:01:30 pm »
Hey Riven,
The rules and guidelines for Guild Creations are found here.  If you have any other questions after that please feel free to ask!



Re: How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2011, 09:26:26 pm »
Good Luck, kiddo!  Guild's are a hard thing to start, and sometimes a harder thing to maintain.


Re: How to Start a Guild - The Hero's Apprenticeship
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 12:39:56 am »
I read that the guild needs a leader of 12th level or higher, and at least four additional members of 6th level or higher.

So - can I post flyers to attract interested parties, and once I have a group of like-minded people co-creating this - then I draft the letter of intent to Leanther for approval for the guild? Or do I need approval for the jist of the idea, then I find the folks wanting to be part of this?

I also think I could potentially accomplish my goals without creating a guild. So, that's another way to go, I guess.
