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Author Topic: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(  (Read 292 times)


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    I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « on: January 13, 2008, 12:42:13 pm »
    I don't mind permadeath in tabletop D&D, but in a PC game, I HATE it. I don't want to play a character for 5 months so he can permanently die and I can't get him back. I want to either play an illithid, goblin or a kobold. I have a decent reason as to why the kobold or illithid wouldn't be evil, but I'll have to come up with something if I choose goblin. I usually never play evil, but wouldn't mind playing a neutral. Back to the permadeath issue...
    Is there a way to keep my character for as long as I play layonara?

    Dorax Windsmith

    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #1 on: January 13, 2008, 12:56:14 pm »
    The best way to keep your character around is to play smart and don't take unnecessary risks.  Stay in a group to explore because adventuring alone is inherently dangerous.  The death system maintains realism in the world.  Be sure to read the rules (as found on the LORE website) so that you understand the rules about how the Soul Mother works.

    As far as your characters, I don't think that Illithid or kobold are options for player characters (PC's) but goblin is a choice.

    Welcome to Layonara and I hope to see you in game.  This is a very special place.


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #2 on: January 13, 2008, 12:58:27 pm »
    Play smart, use tactics , invest in a lucky rabbit's foot or never advance past level 3 where the chance of losing a bit of your tie to life [soul strand] kicks in.  
     Lose 10 strands, you are perm dead.  The chance of losing one is 1% X your level.  At level 4  you have a 4% chance... at level 20 it's 20%.  Make it to level 21 and you can spend a feat to get 5 more strands -but once they are gone, they are gone.
     That said the number of characters that have permed is small in comparison to the total number of players.
     Death has meaning and should be respected.
     Goblins are available as a player race, though as a new character you have only the option of TN unless you can come up with a really convincing story of a goblin cleric of Az'atta then you can play CG.
     Be warned - goblins will be shunned [or attacked] by other players, not openly allowed in some major cities which as a new player will cause you frustration in finding people to party up with.  Layo was not designed for soloing.


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #3 on: January 13, 2008, 01:11:33 pm »
    It takes a lot of effort to perm here.

    Or luck.


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #4 on: January 13, 2008, 01:19:53 pm »
    Quote from: Eight-Bit
    It takes a lot of effort to perm here.

    Or luck.

    Your joking right?


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #5 on: January 13, 2008, 02:33:35 pm »
    I've never had any of my characters perm, and I've been here for nearly two years now.

    That being said, my characters tend not to take ridiculous risks unless there's no other choice. :)


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #6 on: January 13, 2008, 02:59:06 pm »
    Quote from: darkstorme
    That being said, my characters tend not to take ridiculous risks unless there's no other choice. :)

    I've been here for a little over a year and have two characters.. the first one has under 50 deaths and lost 8 dts.  I have been very careful with her and have lost soul stands due to people pulling creatures in to safer areas, the mechanics of the game and traveling without a WL or Gm.  Also some were just deaths in battles.  

    My second character has also lost 8 dt's.  Now she has earned them. ;) its just her personility to not let anything hold her back.  She is very independent and meeting the soul mother isn't going to slow her down. If either was to perm I will probably cry for days.  But I am having fun with them while they last.  

    Some players have had hundreds of deaths and haven't permed. Its all in the rolls. So all I can say is make a character and have fun with them. I'm sure if you just give it a try you will soon be addicted like many of us. :p


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #7 on: January 13, 2008, 04:07:27 pm »
    Luna lost 3 or 4 before she was level 7 :Pmaybe 2... i can't remember , but i was really annoyed when she lost them.One was due to a snake being able to see me while invisible.
    Whatever, i still have loads of fun when im on here.Even if there is a chance of perming


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #8 on: January 13, 2008, 11:25:12 pm »
    the easiest way to not lose your char is to never go out alone

    of course as they have mentioned above your trying to get a very lonely race for your char
    unless you hook up with the roving goblin horde who play, you may find yourself alone alot

    i play as my secondary char's being darkelves one true neutral and one an epitome of neutral evil i like to think

    the first has friends who happen to be used to differences as they are second gen characters( meaning they are children of close to if not epic levels some of whom are still alive and some are not)

    the latter he is hated by some, tolerated by a couple, and the rest just dont care

    maybe not saying dont go for your goblin right off the bat

    but just until you get used to layo herself, you might want to pick a generic test char and wander about without that permadeath worry in your head


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 12:30:49 am »
    Nearly 3 1/2 years for me here and have not seen a I have created characters and asked for deletion as once I started them I could not get into the rp aspect of the character. On the other hand I have some characters I really enjoy rping...and most know them..heh.
     Anyhow, the key is it is a game and you get to meet a lot of great people and their have fun...even though I have not perm'd..I have seen and read quite a few perms that have some great character and rp placed in them.
     Play as the others suggest and get to know the world before you try something off-hand...but always....have FUN


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 12:35:55 am »
    It's supposed to scare you. =P

    I've had a character "perm." And yeah, it sucks, but it's totally worth it if you manage to leave a mark on the world. That's the trick. Just like in real life. You've only got so long to be around, so make sure you leave something behind.


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 12:54:49 am »
    It's like Milton says, dying is something you're supposed to be a bit afraid of.  But if you play your character like they're almost a real person, you're bound to leave some sort of legacy behind, and it's worth it.  I've had one character perm here myself, but in the short time she was in the world, she helped effect a fairly major change.  If it weren't for her (and those who helped her with her 'crazy' plan), there'd still be ogres in the Haven Mines instead of the uber Gnolls we now enjoy (and whom most now cower in fear of).

    Of course, remembering this brings me to wonder what ever happened to Glurgle the friendly ogre and his tribe?


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #12 on: January 16, 2008, 02:15:54 am »
    Quote from: Eight-Bit
    It takes a lot of effort to perm here.
     Or luck.
     Or someone really crazy!


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #13 on: January 16, 2008, 02:24:45 am »
    Someone has to take the sharp end.  We, all of us, choose a side of that coin.  And let's not forget it in plain view of the system at play.
    Quote from: Eight-Bit
    It takes a lot of effort to perm here.
     Or luck.
     Some play more then eight tempermental hours per year though.


    Re: I wanted to play layonara but permadeath scares me :(
    « Reply #14 on: January 16, 2008, 07:23:31 am »
    From experience, I'd have to say it's the people who level very quickly who wind up perming more than others.  I've been here about 4 years now, and my two highest level characters are both 18th level.  Both of them only have 2 Soul Strands Lost with 8 to go, and that's because I've been playing rather meticulously in not getting killed.  Also, making certain to group witht he right people is key... avoid "battlemages".  Both death tokens on both characters I remember as being fully yhe fault of some battle mage running ahead of all the tanks, unleashing a fireball on everything in sight and hiding behind my poor characters.  Also, never solo!  It's fun to rely on just yourself, but as in any online game, connections can drop randomly at any time.  It's great to have that perfect build of fighter/rogue or a souped up monk and run acoss the realms fighting by yourself, but all the more humbling for your computer to suddenly crash or your ISP to wink out and suddenly you die with no way to stop it.  With a large party you at least have a few minutes of grace time hoping they pry the baddies off you before you die.

