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Author Topic: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?  (Read 612 times)


whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
« on: June 29, 2008, 02:06:58 pm »
Hopefully a quick question!

I just heard that wemics are not allowed in Hempstead....but after half an hour searching lore and the forums, I don't see any ruling on this. The sign outside Hempstead does not specifically mention wemics...

If wemics indeed are not allowed in hemp, then I've made an RP mistake for a long time now. I first entered hemp by Shiff's side, and since then i go in and out as I please, though generally slowly, and I've RP'd with folks in Hemp many times (and no-one's sent me a tell that i'm doing something wrong). I apologize if I've been making a mistake....but could someone please point me to the ruling, or give me the thumbs up or down for continuing to RP Aka'ashi Horseteaser the way I have in the past? If she is not allowed in, I'm sure she'll be very tickled that folks find this silly playful kitty so fierce as to ban from the cities!

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Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 02:17:46 pm »
Lets see - city of thousands of commoner men women and children and an 6 foot half woman/half lion walks down the street?
 Not everything has to have a "rule" to use a bit of common sense.  A hood is not going to save you here ...  Some wemic druids gain acess to town as a polymorphed charcter.
 Towns like Vehl are a bit more accepting but even then a Wemic would cause a bit of a stirr - from panic to wanting to capture and sell...
 This will likely start the cyclic monsters in town thread again, but ......

Scorpio 56515

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    Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
    « Reply #2 on: June 29, 2008, 02:47:12 pm »
    "Not everything has to have a "rule" to use a bit of common sense"

    I dont know on some servers most races are allowed in towns and cities including pure monster races such as kobolds and goblins. So if your used to other servers its not exactly just common sence considering each server has different views on such things.

    Also is Vehl  suposed to be a "good" or "neutral" town? I thought it was on the darker side more or lesss from what i was gathering. At wich im curious as to if a wemic would be forced to start in that town even if its against the characters alignment setting? Considering they are not allowed in hemp from the sounds of it :).


    Of course i may be getting the town names mixed up with Vehl and another one as far as its basic alignment :\\ ...


    Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
    « Reply #3 on: June 29, 2008, 03:22:35 pm »
    Quote from: Scorpio 56515
    I dont know on some servers most races are allowed in towns and cities including pure monster races such as kobolds and goblins. So if your used to other servers its not exactly just common sence considering each server has different views on such things.
     A few minutes spent in LORE or the player handbook would quickly let you know how this server feels about certain races.  A read thru THIS post would give you most if not all the starting points on where to look.  
     Is it not the responsibility of the player choosing to play a non standard or "monsterous" race to know ahead of time how the world is likely to react to them and accept the benifits as well as the limitations that entails?
     If a hulking almost human looking half giant is not allowed in a city why would a half lion be?  Begs the question as well - why would a Wemic even want to be in a city?
     As for the starting towns - yes Vehl is more seedy - more of a been there, done that kind of town, while Port Hempstead is a more on the surface respectable law abiding place.
     There are not GMs there to police your every action. We do rely on player to police their own actions which is why, yeah you will see orc and half orcs, goblins and half giants in Hempstead.  I'd rather spend my time writing quest material than chasing those who don't care out of town.
     The mechanics are such that you must spawn into the town, there is nothing that forces you to ever ever ever have to set foot back in one again.
     Wemic is not an easy race to play, some it due to the RP restrictions. If you choose to play one, you by default choose to accept the restrictions, not have them make an exception because its you and not that other guy.

    Scorpio 56515

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      Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
      « Reply #4 on: June 29, 2008, 03:49:43 pm »
      Sorry i didnt mean to upset anyone with my post. By what i said i ment that a person dosnt just know through basic common sence instead they would have to look at the areas you stated before they would know unless the common sence you ment was the common sence to look into the lore before questioning.

      Also on the note about responsibility of the player to look into such things yes it is but it dosnt hurt to ask a question on the forums if you are unable to find it like in this case. A simple answer to the question i belive would work and there is little need for statments like these...

      """Is it not the responsibility of the player choosing to play a non standard or "monsterous" race to know ahead of time how the world is likely to react to them and accept the benifits as well as the limitations that entails?"""

      """If a hulking almost human looking half giant is not allowed in a city why would a half lion be? Begs the question as well - why would a Wemic even want to be in a city?"""

      Maybe they are not as they seem to me but if i were the one posting this question this would seem like the person is getting after me for asking the question.

      Although if i have misunderstood how the message is reading then i Appologise for that.

      Also thank you for the reply about the towns :).


      Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
      « Reply #5 on: June 29, 2008, 04:01:47 pm »
      It's not a matter of being "more accepting," so yes, I perfectly understand the confusion of having the more "good" place you're not allowed in and getting the notice that the darker one is more accepting. ;) You just have to realize that it's simply a matter of who is protecting their people or not. It's not that they're not "allowed" in - if Wemics were more common, and they could be familiarized as a race for being okay, and became a common race of the world, then why wouldn't common cities of the world let them in? Elves get in! :p  But they're not common, so what most see is, as minerva said, a gigantic lion monster loping around the city streets among their children. They aren't well known enough to ban, it's just "Holy !" for a lot of people.

      Vehl doesn't go, oh don't worry! It's just a wemic! Let the poor guy in! If anything, wemics are going to have trouble in any major settlement in the world, like a real lion going into a city. It's just that they may have better luck with actual laws or anything in Vehl, because if you look that scary maybe no one will bother you, since everyone minds his own business or else gets himself stabbed. You know what I mean? Whereas guards of a more good leaning place have to think not only of the safety of their people but of the person they are letting in. They may be surprised that the lion thing can talk, hesitantly discuss why it's really not a good idea to go in, perhaps even apologize assuming it got close enough nn-aggressively to not be mistaken for a wild animal needing to be protected against by watchers on the walls... but what would happen to it inside the gates? She may find it amusing that a playful kitty is banned, except would they let a tamed lion in without a leash? How does anyone know she is a playful kitty? No one knows what she is, and with that many people around you have to be careful before you deliberately freak them out.

      Maybe your wemic could make it a mission to familiarize people with his or her kind and make them more acceptable ...but in the end, how many wemics want into big cities, anyway? If anything, Vehl might be just slightly more familiar with wemics, as it is their port that sends ship back and forth between the Dragon Isles, where a few have come back in cages before. I don't think that means they are not in any danger or that the place should be RPed as "allowing and welcoming" them, though. Since you must have broken out of a cage somewhere, who knows what happening to the captors, they'd have to be paid a lot more to try anything!

      The reasons for the difference are kind of important, otherwise you end up with everyone RPing that Hempstead is this LE oppression and Vehl the CG city of rebels fighting the system, which is not the case.


      Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
      « Reply #6 on: June 29, 2008, 04:18:24 pm »
      Thank you, Minerva, for responding.

      However, I have spent now an hour perusing and searching in Lore, the players handbook, and the forums, and no-where have I found anything saying wemics are "monstrous" or uninvited to hempstead. The link you provided does list a bunch of monsters as "monstrous" and "sinister", but wemic is not on that list. And, as I said previously, the sign at Hempstead specifically states what races are not allowed, and wemic is not on that list.

      I hear you, that it is "common sense" to you that wemics would not be welcome in hempstead, and that if a giant is not welcome, why should a wemic be.

      Though giants, and all of the races listed on the sign at hempstead are generally considered evil. Wemics are generally of good alignment. But perhaps the general populace, or guards do not know that? Have there not been enough wemics in Mistone to create knowledge and new legends of their good nature? Perhaps the unknown, and lion-like look makes commoners assume all wemics are predators, or dangerous?

      I have not played Ashi as a typical wemic, for the reasons in her Character Submission (and like humans, elves, and other races, there are always some who do not fall into the racial stereotypes). At any rate, my personal style of common sense has up until now decided that Ashi, the way I play her, is welcome in Hempstead. However, in respect to your authority and definitive decision on the matter I will happily stay out of most cities, until I hear otherwise from you or the other powers that be. Though I am quite sure Ashi will try to get as close to a city as she can, by rolling in the grass, singing, playing her musical instruments, and generally grinning playfully at all she meets.

      Thank you.

      Quote from: minerva
      A few minutes spent in LORE or the player handbook would quickly let you know how this server feels about certain races.  A read thru THIS post would give you most if not all the starting points on where to look.  
       Is it not the responsibility of the player choosing to play a non standard or "monsterous" race to know ahead of time how the world is likely to react to them and accept the benifits as well as the limitations that entails?
       If a hulking almost human looking half giant is not allowed in a city why would a half lion be?  Begs the question as well - why would a Wemic even want to be in a city?
       As for the starting towns - yes Vehl is more seedy - more of a been there, done that kind of town, while Port Hempstead is a more on the surface respectable law abiding place.
       There are not GMs there to police your every action. We do rely on player to police their own actions which is why, yeah you will see orc and half orcs, goblins and half giants in Hempstead.  I'd rather spend my time writing quest material than chasing those who don't care out of town.
       The mechanics are such that you must spawn into the town, there is nothing that forces you to ever ever ever have to set foot back in one again.
       Wemic is not an easy race to play, some it due to the RP restrictions. If you choose to play one, you by default choose to accept the restrictions, not have them make an exception because its you and not that other guy.


      Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
      « Reply #7 on: June 29, 2008, 04:44:16 pm »
      Thanks Acacea,
      seems you and I were typing at the same time, so I did not read your post before I made my response to Minerva. What you are saying makes sense. And Ashi, being beyond curious about many things, may indeed make it her passion to meet people and through her play and songs and tales dispel the ignorance or paranoia that people have about wemics. Perhaps the news will spread like wildfire throughout land - about the tale-spinning song-singing liontaur prancing in Stormcrest Crossroads, who occasionally sings within earshot of the gates of cities. And like the Pied Piper, perhaps she will lure people to their DOOM! to be Devoured by the prides of lions waiting in the forest! character concept...


      Re: whoops! are wemics not allowed in hempstead?
      « Reply #8 on: June 29, 2008, 06:40:55 pm »
      I apologise if my relplies came across waspish, it was not as intended