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Author Topic: Lasting Inspiration  (Read 548 times)


Lasting Inspiration
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:35:11 am »
for a level twenty-one bard, the max perform is twenty-four.  Lasting inspiration requires perform twenty-five and bard level twenty-one.  does this mean then that a bard must remain pure class until level twenty-three to get the feat, since they have to put that extra point of perform on at level twenty-two and can't take another feat until twenty-three?

Could someone with the feat explain, or someone who knows the mechanics?

edit: wrong feat mentioned.


Re: Lingering Song
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 12:44:11 am »
I think the feat in question may actually be Lasting Inspiration.

Script Wrecked

Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 01:41:20 am »
Per NWN Wiki:

Quote from: Lasting inspiration
Because of the required perform level, this feat cannot actually be taken until character level 22.

or first feat at or after Level 22.


Script Wrecked.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 02:34:38 am »
Did you include skill focus in that count?

When you start you get to choose 4 perform points (level 1) add 19 points for the 19 other levels that's already 23 at level 20. If you took skill focus anywhere in your level up that's an additional +3. So unless my math is wrong by level 20 you should be able to get 26 at level 20.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 03:07:43 am »
AS i understand The skill bounus provided for Skill focus doesn't count towards the requieriments for feats, I don't know if its diferent in case of this bard feat tough.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 05:11:37 am »
Answer to your question is yes. You need to keep pure bard if you want that feat as soon as in level 23 as in level 23 the feat you gain is Epic Bards extra feat. If you are adamant to get that feat in level 23 then you just do not have any other choice! :)

Further explanation:
However if you are thinking about taking taking that feat in level 24 instead of level 23 then in game mechanically you do not need to remain pure bard class to level 24 to get the feat.
Only 20 level bard is needed. Game mechanically you could take 4 levels of other class and just take the last 20 level of bard (or level if Harper scout if you are level 20 bard already) when you level up your character to 24 (of course you need to push up that bard song skill minimum of 25 in this level too. Only assigned skill points count! Not skill feats feat or ability modifiers as those never count in skill calculations when it taking feats).

So in Layonara rules that means that if you want to take Lasting inspiration as soon as possible you should not multiclass because you need to get those straight 5 levels of new class unless you multiclass with Mistone Alliance Scout (if it really is same as Harper scout) and take Lasting inspiration feat in level 24 (yup, using level 24 normal feat). :D
For now any other multiclassing option you push taking Lasting inspiration in feat to level 27 as you can only take this feat when you are taking level of Bard or Harper scouts (Mistone Alliance Scout?).

I hope this helps.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 05:16:55 am »
So in Layonara rules that means that if you want to take Lasting inspiration as soon as possible you should not multiclass because you need to get those straight 5 levels of new class unless you multiclass with Mistone Alliance Scout (if it really is same as Harper scout) and take Lasting inspiration feat in level 24 (yup, using level 24 normal feat)

Off topic, but now there are no more Mistone Alliance Scouts, but Are called now Agents of the realm .

*put the curtain back to topic *


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 06:19:45 am »
Quote from: Lance Stargazer
Off topic, but now there are no more Mistone Alliance Scouts, but Are called now Agents of the realm .

*put the curtain back to topic *

Lore pages need urgent update then! :D
LORE: Classes
LORE: Mistone Alliance Scout

And one addition to previous message:
If those Agents of the realm do get feat in first level as NWN Harper scout then Lasting inspiration its possible to getting multiclassed character on level 23 by having 22 bard and 1 level Agents of the realm. Well of course you will have to have all those requirements needed on Agents of the realm then. ;)


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 08:02:37 am »
ok, thanks - it seems my plans for duelist are permanently on hold (very sorry to have wasted your time on training me, Damon).  not what I planned or wanted, but c'est la vie.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2011, 08:49:40 am »
Quote from: Eeroas
Lore pages need urgent update then! :D

Yes, they do!

gilshem ironstone

Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2011, 09:08:46 am »
Duelists have perform as a class skill, so the only thing holding that back would be if Lasting Inspiration is on duelist's feat list or not.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2011, 09:30:07 am »
Lore pages need urgent update then!

That's my bad. It's on my list.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 09:47:37 am »
Quote from: gilshem ironstone
Duelists have perform as a class skill, so the only thing holding that back would be if Lasting Inspiration is on duelist's feat list or not.

It is not (well it shouldn't be) on the duelists feat list and is an epic bonus feat restricted to only take at bard-23,26,29,32,35, or 38 level-ups.

And although you can get the perform ranks as a class skill, Lasting Inspiration should not show up as a standard choice at level 21 or 24 on the duelist or bard feat list.

Now... that's not to say it doesn't because duelist is an added class... and it might show up on the level 24 list as a duelist as a regular feat... we can test it if you'd like, but I think that would be a bug anyway.  =)

Edit:  And to add to another earlier post... you cannot take this as a regular feat at the level 24 level-up.  So there are 2 options.

1.  If you wanted to take LI asap the soonest you could multiclass to duelist would be level 24. (since you'd need to take 23 as a bard and layo rules require 5 levels in a row in a new class past 20)

2.  If you decided to take level 21-25 as a duelist, you could take 1 level in bard at 26 and get LI then...

so many options!

edit 2: I keep calling it Lingering Song in this post, the normal feat.  The epic bonus feat is Lasting Inspiration -- fixed.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2011, 07:46:36 pm »
And although you can get the perform ranks as a class skill, Lasting Inspiration should not show up as a standard choice at level 21 or 24 on the duelist or bard feat list.

I may very well be wrong about this but don't bonus feats show up as options you can take at any epic level? I thought the difference was that levels that gave you bonus feats only let you choose bonus feats, where epic levels 21, 24 etc gave you a list of regular feats, cross class epic feats AND class specific bonus feats.

Which would mean there shouldn't be anything wrong with taking it at 24, like you seem to imply.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2011, 07:54:35 pm »
I didn't think it would show up... but I am always willing to experiment and test.  Andrew, catch me in game.


Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2011, 01:07:42 am »
*peeks in thread*

Yes, you can if you fill Feat Prerequisites. Read my earlier post in this thread. Believe me, I have tested it.
You must level as bards and Harper scouts (Agents of the realm) to take this feat.
Lasting inspiration feat is like Weapon specialization for fighter that can only be chosen when gaining a fighter level. Or like Epic weapon specialization that can only be taken on a fighter or champion of Torm level.

Unless you have changed how this works in Layonara, you can use general feat (levels 1,3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18, epic at levels 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, and 39) to get those feats if you full fill the Prerequisite and one prerequisite is leveling in right class even if that does not show in NWN buggy feat Prerequisite list.

NOTE About Feat Prerequisites: BA must same as needed feat prerequisite before starting to level up to get feat. Skill points work differently and added skill points count when leveling up and adding them just before taking the feat. Reason to this might be that BA upgrades only after leveling up..

If you do not want to take my word on it. Feel free to test it.

Quote from: osxmallard
2.  If you decided to take level 21-25 as a duelist, you could take 1 level in bard at 26 and get LI then...

You must be meaning level 27 as bard20/duelist5 won't get feat on level 26 so there is no way you can take LI then.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Lasting Inspiration
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2011, 10:17:41 am »
Quote from: Eeroas

NOTE About Feat Prerequisites: BA must same as needed feat prerequisite before starting to level up to get feat. Skill points work differently and added skill points count when leveling up and adding them just before taking the feat. Reason to this might be that BA upgrades only after leveling up..

The Great [Attribute] Feats work the same way as skills for determinging pre-requisites as well.  Their effects are not considered until after the levelling process is completed.  So if at level 36 you get a general feat, bonus feat and an attribute increase, and your strength is 28, you cannot take a point in strength, Great Strength, and Devastating Critical (assuming all other pre-requisites.)  You would have to wait until your next level earning a feat to get Devastating Critical.