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Author Topic: Learning a Language  (Read 177 times)

Krell Himmler

Learning a Language
« on: January 30, 2008, 10:09:24 am »
Just writing to ask for some official clarifications on learning a language, darkstorm has helped me a great deal, but if possible I would love some further clarification.

I was told I would need a CDT (already have one)

In addition I was also told that I need to have logs of learning the language, I installed the Gnomish log rotator, but it doesn't record anything in the log files, it creates the files and they seem to stay empty.

For example:
_Jan-30-08_0340.log File size: 0 kb


Re: Learning a Language
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 11:12:50 am »
You need to turn on logging in your nwnplayer.ini file.

The path should be similar to this: C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\nwnplayer.ini

Open the nwnplayer.ini file in notepad and check for the following line under the [Game Options] title... if it isn't write it in exactly the way it is here and save the file.  You should be up and logging.  The logs save in the directory called C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\Logs

[Game Options]

If you don't use the rotator or it doesn't work, each time you start nwn it will delete the file in the log folder called 'nwclientLog1'.  All the rotator does is rename that file for you to the date and time.  To do it manually, just go in and 'save as' the file to something else before running nwn.


Re: Learning a Language
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 11:12:57 am »
A clarification question occurs to me.

Did you edit nwnplayer.ini and set ClientChatLogging=1?

