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Author Topic: Al'North Question  (Read 121 times)


Al'North Question
« on: September 04, 2010, 01:30:24 pm »
Just curious, which class would have a closer relationship with the Al'Noth. Sorcerers or Wizards? Perhaps this question does not make sense, and instead would depend on the character?

Is the Al'Noth also responsible for the spells that Clerics and Druids receive?



Al'North Question
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 04:22:30 pm »
It would depend on the character. Even in the Lucindite faith, which is now more united (at least in theory) in love of magic whether wizard, sorcerer, cleric, or whatever, was divided for some time. You had the tower vs the church which were both part of the faith, yes, stood together and all that, but the clergy figured they're the main show because they're getting the ear of the goddess herself, while the tower might have considered them accessories because the majority of the clergy didn't actually manipulate the arcane at all, compared to the tower's sole focus of it.

Within the tower itself there was a rivalry between wizard and sorcerer because the wizards were of course the ones who better understood magic itself, having spent decades or centuries of their lives in devotion, discipline, and study of all its permutations. The sorcerers were mere thoughtless channelers of someone else's gift. Unless you were a sorcerer of course, in which case you were one of the few blessed directly with the innate ability to manipulate the forces of magic without a third party mediator of equations, parchments, spellbooks, and study. You did with a will what a wizard would take hours to prepare, and obviously were therefore far more intimate with the forces of magic. The last church leader (Warder) before the reformation of the church changed that in a lot of ways, but I was just using it to try and illustrate the different opinions that can arise regardless of class. It's the heart that counts, right?

They're going to do away with the distinction anyway, but I'd say pick what suits the character and cultivate the relationship through whatever tools they have.