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Author Topic: Maps on LORE and characters  (Read 244 times)


Maps on LORE and characters
« on: August 16, 2009, 03:41:38 pm »
What, if anything, of the maps on LORE is available to characters in game?  If they have access to them, where would they find them (if such information is available to them)?  Or would it simply be something they 'knew', like the way you know (theoretically) how to get around your hometown and the local area, and you know that the nearest big city is 'X' and is somewhere in that direction *waves his arm casually in some direction*, and you know such and such cities and they're 'here' and 'there'?


Re: Maps on LORE and characters
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 01:09:34 am »
Maps of all qualities (most poor rather than good) are likely available from various (but very few!) vendors. Keep in mind that paper or parchment with anything legible is a luxury for the upper crust and adventuring types (those with money to burn) for the most part. The vast majority of people don't read and as you suggest, they just know things that are taught to them or that they pick up along the way.

As a thought, the best place for finding accurate/good quality maps would likely be in the custody of Aragenites. They may not allow certain folks to see them and they aren't giving them out of course but best chance for accuracy is probably there.

As usual, I leave in my "possibility of correction by the Loremaster" disclaimer.


Script Wrecked

Re: Maps on LORE and characters
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 01:49:27 am »
IIRC, an update to the map of Dregar was donated to the Aragenites by Steel as an outcome from the Explorer Series.

Also, there are maps for sale in the Trade Hall.


Script Wrecked.


Re: Maps on LORE and characters
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 06:54:20 am »
Quote from: Rowana
Maps of all qualities (most poor rather than good) are likely available from various (but very few!) vendors. Keep in mind that paper or parchment with anything legible is a luxury for the upper crust and adventuring types (those with money to burn) for the most part. The vast majority of people don't read and as you suggest, they just know things that are taught to them or that they pick up along the way.

As a thought, the best place for finding accurate/good quality maps would likely be in the custody of Aragenites. They may not allow certain folks to see them and they aren't giving them out of course but best chance for accuracy is probably there.

As usual, I leave in my "possibility of correction by the Loremaster" disclaimer.



And if you ask a local person on how to get to a neighbouring city, they'll likely just point you to "the road leading east from here". They'll likely not have been there themselves though.

